# |
Provider |
1081 |
MTCCOMM | mtccomm.net | 89.2 Mbps |
56.3 Mbps |
749 |
1082 |
CyrusOne LLC | cyrusone.com | 89.2 Mbps |
40 Mbps |
3192 |
1083 |
China Mobile Hong Kong | com.hk | 89.1 Mbps |
47.1 Mbps |
2826 |
1084 |
ROUTIT | routit.net | 89.1 Mbps |
47.6 Mbps |
449 |
1085 |
Xilinx Incorporated | xilinx.com | 89 Mbps |
40.9 Mbps |
120 |
1086 |
DATEV eG | datev.de | 88.9 Mbps |
58.8 Mbps |
124 |
1087 |
WiLine Networks | wiline.com | 88.9 Mbps |
51.6 Mbps |
13123 |
1088 |
Eviny Digital | bkkb.no | 88.9 Mbps |
82 Mbps |
330 |
1089 |
The University of Melbourne | edu.au | 88.8 Mbps |
49 Mbps |
1559 |
1090 |
Asianet | co.in | 88.8 Mbps |
42.1 Mbps |
45004 |
1091 |
EDPNET Belgium | edpnet.net | 88.8 Mbps |
24.7 Mbps |
1087 |
1092 |
CYTA | com.cy | 88.8 Mbps |
22.7 Mbps |
45000 |
1093 |
Everywhere Wireless | in-addr.arpa | 88.7 Mbps |
44.4 Mbps |
4392 |
1094 |
Cooptel Coop de | qc.ca | 88.7 Mbps |
19.1 Mbps |
9398 |
1095 |
SonicNet | sonic.net | 88.6 Mbps |
90 Mbps |
45000 |
1096 |
Louisiana State University | lsu.edu | 88.6 Mbps |
52.7 Mbps |
587 |
1097 |
IBH IT-Service GmbH | ibh-dialin.net | 88.5 Mbps |
35.1 Mbps |
132 |
1098 |
Amazon Office | amazon.com | 88.4 Mbps |
32.4 Mbps |
11474 |
1099 |
KABEL servis Praha spol s r | kabelservis.cz | 88.2 Mbps |
25 Mbps |
211 |
1100 |
State of North Dakota, ITD | nd.us | 88.2 Mbps |
44.6 Mbps |
3394 |
1101 |
Mid Atlantic Broadband | midatlanticbb.com | 88 Mbps |
41.9 Mbps |
614 |
1102 |
Nowo Communications | netvisao.pt | 88 Mbps |
12.6 Mbps |
482 |
1103 |
Western Washington University | wwu.edu | 88 Mbps |
52.5 Mbps |
229 |
1104 |
UFINET PANAMA | com.pa | 87.9 Mbps |
18.2 Mbps |
104 |
1105 |
Starlink | starlinkisp.net | 87.9 Mbps |
5.6 Mbps |
45438 |
1106 |
LLC EGS-Telecom | egs63.ru | 87.8 Mbps |
11.7 Mbps |
197 |
1107 |
Puntonet S.A. | puntonet.ec | 87.8 Mbps |
26.1 Mbps |
21413 |
1108 |
Visionary Communications | mammothnetworks.com | 87.5 Mbps |
24.4 Mbps |
13153 |
1109 |
green.ch AG | helsana.ch | 87.5 Mbps |
42.8 Mbps |
2272 |
1110 |
Granbury Independent School | granburyisd.org | 87.5 Mbps |
57.8 Mbps |
935 |
8689 Total Provider Matches w/ at least 100 results