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About eduncan911

  • Birthday 01/01/1955

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  1. I got FiOS up here in Peekskill (~35/45m North) several months ago. I will never have anything else. Tip #1: To get around the 1 or 2 year contract, go through www.whitefence.com. I got my 20/20 connection for $64.99, no setup, and no contract. Tip #2: Dump the 2.4 Ghz "G" router they give you (anyone want mine?) and install your own. I am running the dual-radio wrt600n, only at 5Ghz to get up and away from all of the 2.4 Ghz traffic - directly connected to the CAT5 cable! The trick is to copy the MAC address from the router they give you, into your own router (setting a new MAC address that matches your old router).
  2. Mods: Please feel free to move the thread to correct forum. Aiight. So the quick question is, why is the wrt54g giving 50% speed of the wrt600n (test over LAN, not wifi)? First, I am bypassing the Verizon FIOS MI424WR. I clone the MAC address of the Verizon router and the routers are off and running on the net just fine. I have a 20/20 account (20Mbps downstream, and 20Mbps upstream). Testing with testmy.net, the Verizon router and wrt600n big momma test identicle. Great, fast! But testing with the wrt54g, I get 50% the speeds. Now your first question would be, "Why use the wrt54g when you got the big honkin' wrt600n?" Simple: DD-WRT only runs on the wrt54g, and I love my VPN connectivity (not to mention my Linux tools/scripts I built and use). I love that little sucker. But for Wifi speeds, I have the wrt600n connected to the wrt54g, and just use it as a wifi point. Yeah, an expensive one. But, I am on 5.8GHz speeds with it though. Your second question may be, "Why use another router at all? Verizon gives you a great one for free, even with wifi!" Answer is that router is only 802.11g, and quite restrictive actually. And, it doesn't have the 5.8GHz radio. DD-WRT is currently trying to hack it for linux at the moment, so it may be another option down the road. So there it is. ANy thoughts to why the wrt54g is 1/2 the speed of the wrt600n over the net? It's a 100Mbps connect on the WLAN side, as well as the LAN side. Even though the wrt600n has Gigabit on the LAN (100Mbps on the WLAN), I am only connected via an 100Mbps card over the LAN anyways. So that theory is shot.
  3. Ok, I know this question may be too broad for this forum. Feel free to move the thread. What kind of Internet options are available in the Peekskill, NY area? Not just general Internet, I mean 30 Mbps Verizon vs. TimeWarner (still slow eh?) vs. whomever. OptOnline? If anyone can help break down what great options are there, it would make me happier before entering into a contract. Thanks! -E
  4. Yeah, it's a bit old. But that's the beauty of age - ddwrt fully supports it. Actually, I flashed it with multiple firmwares (stated above in original post). Maybe it is getting too hot.
  5. Thanks guys for the replies. Yeah, it just "started" working fast. Brain fart on a router... that's a new one. Thing is, it's been doing this for a while now.
  6. Well, go figure. Now I am getting 10.2 Mbps through the original setup.
  7. It's almost like what I experienced before with the old 802.11b router. It had only a 10 Mbps Internet port, therefore I only saw max speeds of 2 or 3 Mbps. It wasn't until I upgraded routers (the wrt54g as mentioned above) may years ago that the 100 Mbps Internet-facing port allowed me to get full speed. Long story short, here's the old blog post about it: [snip] Sorry , had to get rid of the blog link It's like my router is connected only at 10 Mbps instead of 100 Mbps to the cable modem... But, I don't see a way to verify that. It used to be that if you were connected via 10 Mbps, the status LED would turn orange, instead of green. But, it's all green from what I can see.
  8. Hey guys: Beflore the flood of "check the router" replies *grin*, I have been living very happily at 10 Mbps downstream with my setup. No problem at all, until this week. Has TimeWanker enforced some type of limitation of routers or something? Quickly, my setup is: Laptop -> direct connect via 100mbps cable -> WRT54G running DD-WRT -> Cable Modem Being raped for TimeWanker's 10 Mbps/1 Mbps service Until this week, I've tested my speeds through testmy.net for months at near full 10/1 speeds. Been very happy. But as noted, this week things have slowed to 1 to 2 Mbps down, with full 1 Mbps up. Today I bypassed the wrt54g router and went directly to the cable modem from my laptop. I get the full 10 / 1 speeds. Ok, went back to my setup above and am only getting 1 to 2 Mbps speeds. I've reset everything... I've reset the router to factory defaults with Linksys firmware. I've reflashed it with the latest alpha of DD-WRT, and went back to the last stable of DD-WRT. Nada. I always get 1 to 2 Mbps downstream connected via cable to the router, to the cable modem. May be a router problem (dear God no! I love this little thing!), but I wanted to check with you guys in case TimeWanker has implemented some type of restriction or something. Ps, nothing special but in addition - I do not use the wifi radio on the wrt54g due to too much interference on the 802.11g band. Instead, that's why I have my nice shiny wrt600n dual radio, running only at 5.8Ghz (2.4Ghz radio disabled), and the wrt600n is directly connected to the wrt54g's network. yes, basically using the expensive wrt600n as a pure 5.8Ghz n/a radio - that's it until dd-wrt gets a stable version for it.
  9. Well. How about this. FIOS is available on the outter skirts, up north. But not in the HEART of Downtown Dallas? I'm literly 1/2 mile from dead center. This sucks... Guess I'll pay for cable until then. Well, until Timewarner takes over Comcast in Dallas. Then who the hell knows.
  10. Yeah, I've been screwing aroudn on their site to find more details. My only question is about pass-through (open a port, let someone hit my test machine). If it's anything like the DSL from BellCrap up here, they give you a non-routable IP (192.168.x.x) that you can not open to the internet and get people hitting your box. Humm. Anybody? I wonder if Static IPs are available.
  11. Ah. Found it. Looks like it's using ADSL2 (phone line), like they have here in Tennessee. That will work! And the fact that the place I am buying is downtown, I don't think I'll have any problem getting the good speeds.
  12. 15/2 as in 15Mbps down and 2Mbps up? Dear God, where do I sign up? Fiber... As in an OC3-like D-Mark to install? How is it delivered?
  13. What is FIOS and what do they offer?
  14. I was looking for more detail then just a generic list of basic services available in any city. Looking for that extra slick setup. Here in Tennessee, it's ADSL2. But I'd hate to get a home phone line, oh well. And I am purchasing btw, no landlord. So I have free rien to choose. -E
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