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About milankalus

  • Birthday 03/14/1935

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    Santa Fe, NM

milankalus's Achievements

Earning Trust

Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. There must be something going on at Comcast cable. My Gold High Speed connection increased over the weekend from 5000Kbps to 5200-5500Kbps download. I observed similar speed increase just before the last speed increase in April. Interestingly, the Testmy.net speed remains the same. Milan
  2. I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't do any hacking. Just reporting the speeds which I measured by Broadband Reports (BBS.com) and Testmy.net. BTW, the discrepancy is striking. I made a mistake reporting the download speed difference just 300kbps when in fact it's almost 1300kbps. Milan
  3. I don't understand the difference between speed test done by two different companies, Broadband and Testmy.net. In my case the difference is 300kbps download and 70kbps upload. I must say I like Test.my better because it gives me better result. However, who is right? Milan
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