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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by milankalus

  1. There must be something going on at Comcast cable. My Gold High Speed connection increased over the weekend from 5000Kbps to 5200-5500Kbps download. I observed similar speed increase just before the last speed increase in April. Interestingly, the Testmy.net speed remains the same. Milan
  2. I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't do any hacking. Just reporting the speeds which I measured by Broadband Reports (BBS.com) and Testmy.net. BTW, the discrepancy is striking. I made a mistake reporting the download speed difference just 300kbps when in fact it's almost 1300kbps. Milan
  3. I don't understand the difference between speed test done by two different companies, Broadband and Testmy.net. In my case the difference is 300kbps download and 70kbps upload. I must say I like Test.my better because it gives me better result. However, who is right? Milan
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