i'm glad im not the only one who had a problem with electronics express... did they hit you with the $150 pole mount because none of YOUR poles were good enough, blah blah blah.. THEN almost $200 from direcway for activation and 1st month... it cost me over $400 for my "$49.99 satellite connection"!!! it took 8 phone calls and finally threats to call my bank and report them for credit card fraud before i got a call back from electronics express! and THEN... the radio went out in my dish after 3 days.... took them a week to get someone out here to fix it and THEN it worked for 3 days before having problems again.. so in the 14 days i have had my direcway (installed on 6/18/05) i have been able to use it for about 5 of those days. tech support leaves a lot to be desired from direcway also, just found a fix here and am running better than ever! i'm glad i waited til i saw how good this was before i affilliated them to my sites. thanks for all the help in here too... NOW... if i could just get someone to help me figure out why i can load a chatroom from www.home.bellsouth.net using my sun java j2sdk v1.4.2_06 i would be a happy camper! every time it connects to the chat applet, i get a "disconnected from chat" message on the screen. BLAHHH!! oh well.... enough ranting... thanks again for the help and support, keep up the good work and everyone have a happy and safe holiday!!