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About JustinPO

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. ok guys i unplugged my phone from the bad plug and my internet is back to good again, thanks alot guys i appreciate the help!!
  2. ok guys i have unplugged my phone from my room because the jacks were bad and i am on a router i have 2 pcs and 1 xbox and it isn't wireless. thanks
  3. thanks for the replies guys, i just tried all the things you said but its still really laggy. id also like to add that when it hits midnight my lag seems to go away but in the day time its really laggy if that can help you out any.
  4. thanks for the suggestions and quick response but what do you mean by bring up modem, bring up router? thanks for welcoming me also
  5. well recently my cordless phone died so i put it in my room and forgot to put the filter on, the next day my internet dies so i then put the filter back on and now my internet is laggy ass hell, i like to play halo 2 and when im in a game i either red or yellow bar and i think it has somethin to do with my phone. i am on aliant dsl internet if that helps and i also scanned for viruses and spyware and adaware
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