Hey everyone I hope I can get an answer for this. I'm hoping to get Verizon Fios in a month or so and I figured I would try and save some money and run the networking wire thru the house for my computers instead of paying someone else to do it. Well I ordered some Cat6 cable 500' bulk roll from Controlcable.com and bought the EZRJ45 connectors and EZRJ45 tool. Now after a few tries I finally have correctly wired up the connectors. This is were my first problem began I found that by plugging in the cat6 cable to my computer with a gigabit nic card from linksys and connecting that to a linksys wireless g router and switch the cable works for a minute or so then windows xp shows the network cable is unplugged. The wires are still physically attached. I have ran the Marvell Virtual cable tester and it says I have a short at 15meters on wires 4,5,7 and 8. I have physically inspected the wire casing and everything seems fine. Does anyone know of a way to correct this problem this is occurring on two separate wires. I don't have a line test tool. Should I get rid of the cat 6 or try and use a different style connector for the ends?