I use Chakra Browser to surf the web, I use FireFox or K-Meleon for surf the interactive websites. I also use another browsers like Internet Explorer, Avant Browser and Acoo Browsers....
Sometime I also use Internet Explorer, Avant Browser and Acoo Browser. To save my surfing time, I run ChProxy that enable me to catch all web pages I surfed, so I don't have to save webpages again and again. I can concentrate on my journey to internet...ChProxy will do the rest for me.
If I found such domain that interisting to me, I use ChGrabber to grab the domain.
Chakra, ChProxy, and ChGrabber is created by Quick4All.com. On Chakra environment, there is no different between online or offline, dynamic pages or static pages. All three products use the same databases. The simple way to download them all is download the Chakra Jumbo Edition.
Best Regards,
Chakra - http://chakra.quick4all.com/
ChProxy - http://chakra.quick4all.com/Products/ChProxy/
ChGrabber - http://chakra.quick4all.com/Products/ChGrabber/
FireFox - http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/
Avant Browser - http://www.avantbrowser.com/
Acoo Browser - http://www.acoobrowser.com/