I signed up for Pro DSL with SBC (who bought AT&T) back in July of 2005. I noticed speed problems from the get go. Particularly from 5pm to 10:30PM at night. The speed would slow down to an excruciating 386 or 600 Kbps. I should have been getting 2.5 Mbps.
I called and had numerous trouble tickets opened. Yet SBC said they could find no reasonable problem for the slowdown. They assumed it was my computer, firewall, virus program, etc.
Time went on and I told them that I would withhold payment for DSL until they could find a remedy or downgrade me to a cheaper version of DSL (since I was getting the lower speed anyway.)
SBC was belligerent and threatened to cut off my service.
Well after months of going back and forth, without resolution....I called and demanded a full investigation. I told them to send out a technician and check the lines from my location back to their routers in the Central Switching office.
The tech came out last week and sat at my computer. He was perplexed. He made one phone call and spoke to a tech in charge of the CSO. They told him two words, "exhausted router." The tech turned to me and said there is nothing that can be done. Too many people have been connected to their routers, it causes a slowdown when everyone is on it.
I was shocked and angry. I have been paying a premium price for a service that SBC knew was shoddy and not up-to-speed. How many more customers have been swindled? How much money has been stolen from unsuspecting consumers?
I ask all SBC and AT&T users to check their speed, do it frequently. If you are on an exhausted router, you have rights and recourse. The California Public Utilities Commission has been notified. Someone should file a class-action.
This is what happens when greedy corporations are more concerned about illegal gain than actually providing superior service.