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About shapiro

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. 250k dl 4k ul
  2. hmm...my mtu was already 1500, and i have no idea what selective acks are. I dont know what rwin is either and i dont see anything that i can change in the program other than what is shown in the screenshot. it also said on the test that upload packet was less than mtu and 1 second stall detected, and i have no idea what to do about either of these.
  3. Thanks VB I downloaded RMAC but i dont understand what i need to do in this program to improve my connection. Has anyone used this before who could help me? Thanks.
  4. You mean i need to tweak all of the computers on the network that i want to have a faster upload speed? That sounds kind of messy...i used to get great upload speeds. I believe this is a problem with the modem or OOL though based on what i have tried. I have heard people say that their upload speed was capped by their ISP becaise they were using file sharing, perhaps this is the case? I'll call them sometime today and try to find out. anyhow, if i do need to tweak all of the computers on my network, how would I go about doing that? What program do you reccomend for mac and what tweak settings should I use? Thanks.
  5. Is there a program similar to cablenut that is available for mac? And if not then how can i get it to work throgh my windows pc which is also on the network. Can i do the tweak program through the wireless router or does it have to be connected directly to the modem? I will try calling again later today. Hopefully the wait times will be less. thanks for your help
  6. here ya go http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:4327816?service=cable&speed=1000&os=Mac&via=normal thanks
  7. I am having a serious problem with my internet.
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