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About bacalao

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Calling Tech support here in PR is a waste of time because everytime you call they tell you something different. THey have no clue (or so they say) of what the problem is, how to fix it and they won't patch you through to the miami office. I was able to speak to miami tech once and the knowledge, service and help was like from night and day. The bootom line problem here in PR is that the infrastructure is as old as the hills. So I think we might to up the creek without a paddle....
  2. Adelphia just recently bought nore bandwidth and even changed the backbone provider (supposedly). This was suppsoed to resolve the problem but apparetnly hasn't
  3. The problem with the ping issues and slow dl in PR have not only been going on for the last couple of days, IT HAS BEEN FOR MONTHS!!!!! Almost nightly (high traffice times) the ping goes to crap. Locally they always say the problem is in Miami. Well what takes them so long to find and correct the problem.. Adelphia is a large company and should have the resources to crrect the problem. When I trace my route I go from PR to miami to dallas to chicago to yorkstown to montreal back down to washington on this particular server that I like. That doesn't seem to be a very good routing. I used to be with Liberty and their cable service was EXCELLENT!!!! Never had ping issuses. Have been with Adelphia past 8 nths since moving and has been nothing but problems. I am about to tell them to take their service and shove it where the sun don't shine... They only reason I haven't yet is because when it works it is very fast.
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