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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by mitchell12388

  1. So I'm curious now that I've been added to the beta if this idea didn't make it in? I can't find anywhere where I can type notes to save with my test results.
  2. Awesome wasn't expecting such a quick response and or planned implementation but I'm glad I could help and would love to help further via beta testing! Thanks again! You guys rock!!
  3. I believe the ability to add notes to each completed test would be beneficial because some of my poorer test results have been due to firewall misconfiguration being able to note the configuration issue would allow me to confirm that I do not forget and make the same mistake again in the future as well as help me to remember why the configuration is such in the first place. The other advantage would be I recently upgraded my speed (and will most likely be doing so again very soon) being able to see this on my results would be beneficial in troubleshooting. Thanks in advance for your consideration! Also would like to note I absolutely love your service thanks and keep it up!
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