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About frank13502

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. :haha:Thanks to all who respnoded to my plea!! i have got it working now with the virtual number i had to shut off call forwarding for now but when i get the number transfer all should work fine. Once again thanks to all who responded you were very helpful. FRANK
  2. :roll:Hi toad, thanks for the reply, i have contacted the vonage help line and was told (after 40 minutes) that i should unplug the main phone line from their router and wait for verizon to release my home phone number,but my point is thats not what they advertise,they state that you can use the Vonage system as soon as it is booted up. Am i missing something?? I rebooted again last night and still get a busy signal when i call my home phone from my cell phone,if i call the virtual number assigned by vonage i get my voice mail.Maybe thats the way it works and i just am to thick to understand.!!!
  3. Can some one HELP ME? I have hooked up the Vonage Router box and followed all the instrutions and i still am getting a busy whei i try to call from any other phone,if i use the virtual number they assigned me the call is then sent to my voice mail ! I have sent several e-mails to vonage via the vonage help page as yet i have recieved no help.Hsa anyone had this problei? i would like to start using the features i have paid for. My home phone number is being transferd from verizon to vonage that may be the problem but they say it (vonage ) can still be used while the transfer is being made.
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