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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by takuroevilfishy

  1. i have looked through both stickys and i am virus and spyware free and for the tweaks i did have cablenut tweaks for my connection but i took them off when i had the problems but it didnt help any
  2. no firewall and no router
  3. spoke to soon... tried a dl test just now and it hung again. any other things that can cause it?
  4. ok i erased the cablenut tweaks and it works now thans
  5. whenever i use the 2992kb download test it hangs around 79% and when its done it shows my speed as very low one time even a -1 it does this on firefox and IE i have no router and no firewall tried with the 12160 ( i think thats the size) and it hung around 21%
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