i think firewall did it. disabled firewall, and got a realistic (compared to the 50 mbps!) response. Thank you.
Final Results:
Your connection is: 8169 Kbps (about 8.2 Mbps)
lol why so speechless? I posted these same results long time ago, and everyone told me it was cached. I always deleted the cache before i tested (as you can see) but still got these results. So... the question is... What?
(edited to remove sound, and to compress)
There. I recorded what I did to get this score.
Reproduced below (if you cant read it on the video above):
Score is 54492 Kbps (about 54.5 Mbps)
Score is 54943 Kbps (about 54.9 Mbps)
Anyone care to explain...?
1st Attempt (after deleting IE cache/files):
Sorry, your score of 65530 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 60000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 60000 Kbps... Please RETEST
2nd Attempt (deleted IE cache files again):
Sorry, your score of 62531 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 60000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 60000 Kbps... Please RETEST
5th Attempt (turned off firewall/filesharing/peerguardian 2):
Sorry, your score of 62531 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 60000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 60000 Kbps... Please RETEST
1st Attempt:
Sorry, your score of 61909 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 60000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 60000 Kbps... Please RETEST
2nd Attempt:
Sorry, your score of 61909 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 60000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 60000 Kbps... Please RETEST
3rd Attempt:
Your connection is: 54492 Kbps ( https://testmy.net/stats/id-9PODZNQIT )
This is with Optimum Online (cablevision).
running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 5.92Mb/s
and still waiting for the damn e-mail from Microsoft with the Server 2003 Trial... can't believe you have to actually ener your address and crap. makes it seem like i'm purchasing something.
well it cut down to like half speed, but still... i think it's too fast for Cable.
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 35614 Kbps about 35.6 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)
Download Speed is:: 4347 kB/s
Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)
Test Time:: Sun Aug 21 22:56:32 EDT 2005
Bottom Line:: 636X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.24 sec
Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 472.85 % faster than the average for host (optonline.net)
Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-X58UVOMQ3