2005-01-14 12:29:15 EST: 2736 / 361
Your download speed : 2802009 bps, or 2736 kbps.
A 342 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 369845 bps, or 361 kbps.;369845;2041688f1116035dc3e535b69752e970;2.0;
i am planning to Install VOIP { voice Over internet Protocol } Do u thnk Vonage {VOIP } would work on my Road Runner Cable ? Let me know. Thanks for your Information.
Using the Tweak tester 2, I got the following results
1. Your Tweakable Settings:
Receive Window (RWIN): 29200
Window Scaling: 0
Path MTU Discovery: ON
RFC1323 Window Scaling: ON
RFC1323 Time Stamping: OFF
Selective Acks: ON
MSS requested: 1460
TTL: unknown
TTL remaining: 55
2. Test 146000 byte download
Actual data bytes sent: 146000
Actual data packets: 100
Max packet sent (MTU): 1500
Max packet recd (MTU): 1500
Retransmitted data packets: 0
sacks you sent: 0
pushed data pkts: 10
data transmit time: 0.694 secs
our max idletime: 92.5 ms
transfer rate: 125852 bytes/sec
transfer rate: 1006 kbits/sec
This is not a speed test!
transfer efficiency: 100%
3. ICMP (ping) check
Target unpingable
Oops I forgot to tell u that iam using Road Runner { time warner cable ] for my Broad band connection. Iam using Windows XP professional as my Operating system,
Thanks again for all your help