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About wildman67

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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New Member (2/10)



  1. Ca3le, I had to get a new modem and now my scores are right in line for a cable modem.
  2. Ca3le, I had to get a new modem and now my scores are right in line for a cable modem.
  3. Ca3le, I had to get a new modem and now my scores are right in line for a cable modem.
  4. I was testing my connection yesterday and it was reading around 200kbs and 48kbs download on a cable modem. I tested it 10 times and it never did rise above 500kps connection and 70kbs. I also tested it via toast.net and the same thing.
  5. I was testing my connection yesterday and it was reading around 200kbs and 48kbs download on a cable modem. I tested it 10 times and it never did rise above 500kps connection and 70kbs. I also tested it via toast.net and the same thing.
  6. I was testing my connection yesterday and it was reading around 200kbs and 48kbs download on a cable modem. I tested it 10 times and it never did rise above 500kps connection and 70kbs. I also tested it via toast.net and the same thing.
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