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Posts posted by Superman13476

  1. Amazing to pull that off anymore. He is a great player, but he gets far too many shots. Really is amazing to see someone get that close to Wilt. Then again when Wilt was playing. He was really the only tall guy playing. All he had to do was camp out and wait.

  2. I remember seeing pictures of an apartment complex wired. That was a while ago, and there really wasn't anyway to verify it. I would check with your landlord first. I'm pretty sure they would need to do some wiring for the building before anything could be done. Have to have the permission before they can do it. If the landlord says yes, then call them back and see what they have to say.

  3. Been browsing the site for a while. So, I finally decided to make my first post. I'm wondering if anyone can either tell me the fastest connection in southeast Michigan. (Ann Arbor area) Or if you can tell me a good place to look it up? I don't mind going for something like a T1 or T3, as long as the price isn't ridiculous. Oh and Download speeds are nice, but I am mainly looking for upload.

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