Dear Reverend, I am thrilled that I have found you, Had heard of you and hoping that I just might get some "straight" informtion. I purchased Direcway Nov 6 2005, have the DW 6000, Windows XP sp2. In Dec I tore up my system, made a ton of support calls not realizing my problem was with Direcway. Make a long story longer I have been on the phone with Direcway since the Jan 1st 2005. I'm not even at this point concerned with speed its if I can use at all. Its up its down, I see all the horror stories. I have wrote corportate, the BBB, the installers. I have a "web acceleration problem" that become inoperable. Now I am not sure after reading differnt sites that this is a problem or the way Direcway intends it to be. I have their business plan with vpn capabilities. They told me they were having problems with this type of account. All I really want to know now is know, do I have a real problem, or is Direcway intending customers to have limited access to the internet. They have me run the reregistration on a daily basis. I'm not real real smart about some of this techy stuff but I can get around enough to send you ANY informtaion you need from me. Speed tests done this morning and this is when it actually running good compared to each day:
:::.. Upload Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 7 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 KB)
Upload Speed is:: 1 KB/s
Tested From::
Bottom Line:: 0 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 1024 second(s)
Validation Link::
:::.. Upload Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 7 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 KB)
Upload Speed is:: 1 KB/s
Tested From::
Bottom Line:: 0 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 1024 second(s)
Validation Link::
Furthermore I will donate $100.00 to your cause if you can help me in anyway. You see, they have me trapped, I am in an area with barely any choices. I use this connection to dial in to another office location and a lot of home use. Thanks, just for doing what you do. Sally