My first, very basic, question is about net speed. Often, even with all but the most necessary programs closed (in other words, the stuff Windows runs), I seem to have a download going with an average speed of dial-up (according to NetMeter). I'm guessing, hoping, this is quite normal on a cable hook-up. It is, isn't it?
Bah, I've 256k ("Actually higher," so the cable guy says) but all my tests put it below 200k. Which is why this question emerges. I ran the tweak test at and it came out fine.
Second, I got caught doing something naughty with BT. The catcher contacted my ISP. I was using Protowall, Blocklist Manager and SafePeer, but obviously they didn't work. Now, to be honest, I'm leery of doing anything bad with BT anymore. But should I uh, forget myself, what is out there that could prevent a repeat of what happened? I've heard of routers, but for now, I'm cash-strapped. Not even really sure what a router does.
And third, what are the maintenance tasks I should perform to keep computer performance at its peak? I know to defragg, but glancing at the Administrative Tools forced me to groan and think, "Oh god, more computer crap to learn bit by bit."