i have comcasts 6/384 kb package, downloaded cablenut with van burens latest settings. for some reason i have only hit past 4 mb once, most of the time the test is hung up and these are my results
Your connection is: 1249 Kbps (about 1.2 Mbps)
You downloaded at: 152 kB/s
Your TRuSPEED: ^info^ 1336 Kbps :: 163 kB/s (7% overhead factored)
Bottom Line: You are running: 22 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 6.74 second(s)
Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 32.23 % of your hosts average (comcast.net)
if theres anything tips or anyone want to help me out it would be greatly appreciated
well pretty much i had no choice but to buy the usb adapter, i just moved up north to my sisters and i didnt want to run a 25 foot long cable from her router to my room, and i ran out of pci slots for my computer.. well i figured out what was wrong and i had to switch out my ooold usb 1.1 card for my usb 2.0 card.. speeds a little better, just around 2.4MB
the linksys drivers i found on that site were somehow older versions of what i had, im heading to the store right now to pick up a new card, shouldnt hurt the bank too much, gonna pick up some more ram too... be back in about an hour or two
im using cablenut right now and your tweaks, but it seems like the problem is definately in the adapter. any way of fixing it? sadly i dont have the receipt.
i bought a linksys usb wireless-b network adapter, and had good results with it, but i figured i would return it and pay the 10 dollars more for the wireless-g adapter.. well i made the switch and im downloading so much slower from about a 3mb download to a .8mb download... i tested my sisters laptop on the same wireless network and she still gets about a 3mb download.. im pretty aggravated trying to figure out what went wrong