I have 2 ISP's, 1st is a cable modem with 3.5 mbps d/l speed & 2nd is AT&T wireless with an avg d/l of 9.5 mbps. I use a Cradlepoint MBR95 router. Is there anyway to "combine" these 2 slow ISP's to increase my overall download speed? Yea, you read right... Spectrum/Time Warner cable, but my cost is $15/mo. unlimited (old old grandfathered plan). I need this in my home to connect my HVAC system to the internet when we travel. The AT&T is wireless I use on the road when we travel in our motorcoach. It too is unlimited data costing $24/mo. I have the AT&T Connected Car Plan (ZTE Mobley modem). With my AT&T I can stream HD video just fine. Have hit 150 GB usage/mo with no problems from AT&T (traveling in our motorcoach, so hitting many towers/many states). Any suggestions? Have been a TM member for 15+ years now. Many thanks, Steve.