It also seems that everytime I "remember my login" for sites like this whether in FF or IE the next time I open the browser I have to log in again where before I never had to. What's the deal?
I just got 4 Mbps DOWN and 384 Kbps UP cable and my tests are close or exceeding the advertised stats. I have a wireless network using a WRT54G. My PC hardwired to the router is very snippy, click instant load. My notebook (bought a couple months ago new) is wireless but it feels like the flash backs of DiRECWAY LONG PAUSE then LOAD.
I get this using FF or IE. I have the settings to where they should be (tools>internet options). What can get rid of the PAUSE???
Also, When I go to a membership sight that loads another window when clicking a link, I get the following error:
I DO NOT get the error using the PC that's hard wired to the router. Only when using my notebook via WLAN. I get that error no matter if I am using FF or IE on the notebook so I'm assuming I may have some setting that I overlooked wrong?
Nettica DNS Manager, This one gets your IP address and updates your DNS records so you can access your machine from anywhere.
Here's another called the Wifi Watcher, It's a WiFi signal monitor which displays the network name in a configurable font, and the wireless signal strength on a needle-based gauge.
And another, This one gives you a quick way to switch between 3 preset static IP configurations and DHCP. It is useful for laptops that move frequently between a few locations with static addresses, or for network engineers that frequently move a machine between interfaces on a router or firewall.
Here's another network related widget I had just came across, This one shows current IP address information on up to three interfaces (retrieved from WMI) and wireless network SSID/signal.
For those who have Konfabulator go to to get this very nice widget. It will tell you what your currect upload and download speeds are, and also your total bandwidth for the last day.
For those deprived individuals who don't have Konfabulator you can get it here,
Let me know how you like both Konfabulator itself and the Network Bandwidth Widget by replying here.
This is from client notebook with many apps running on both host and client; i.e. AIM, Yahoo! IM, MS IM, Outlook, gmail notifier, etc. Too lazy to turn them off. Can wait to see tomorrow's speeds with cable.