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About liamdunning

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Cheers dude, you've been reassuringly helpful
  2. P.S just visited that Nero site again, now Im downloading at 450-500kbp/s! Weird huh?!
  3. Well thanks for your time and help. Any other final tips though to retrive that 350kbp/s connection that I once had with most websites i visited???
  4. Yes this download speed from Nero was similar to Microsofts. Is it just a matter of geographical locations???
  5. Hmmm, ok then. Well most of my flat mates recieve fairly average connections of around 300kbp/s, as I used to. However, it does seem weird that www.microsoft.com downloads at high speeds, but other sites do not!?
  6. I don't have a router, I'm simply plugged into the wall via a cat.5 ethernet cable.
  7. Sorry friend, I just read 'sean' and did not read the rest. As for your suggestion, how would you go about chaning an IP address, and would this work?
  8. Think you may have posted to the wrong post ther my friend, thanks anyways! lol
  9. Hi guys, right lets get started, beacuse this may take a while! Firstly, about two days ago I recieved a virus through MSN messenger known as the Elitebar/PokaPoka virus (you may have heard of it or even be unfortunate to get it!). As a resuly my computer, mainly Internet orinatated tasks were effected/hampered. My download speed dropped from 350Kbp/s (avg) to around 70Kbp/s (avg). I was fed up with reading forum posts of how to delete this virus, so simply rebooted/reformated/re-installed windows Xp sp1. I saved all neccessary work onto my 20GB iPod, and went along with it. Now I have a completely fresh laptop with just the recycle bin and the desktop, and the few essential files from my iPod that are needed (for example network/video/sound drivers). The virus, I can say hands down has been completly removed, so please don't suggest downloading spyware, not because Im sure the virus has gone, but because I already have! lol My conncection is a LAN as Im living at university. Prior to the virus I was downloading at a happy 350kbp/s. Now, with a fresh system Im only downloading at 180kbp/s. Ive had a crack with cablenut, and that only helped minimally. However, here comes the confusing part, when downloading from www.microsoft.com, I get download speeds of around 300-400Kbp/s (double my average!). Why is this??? Any help would be much appriciated, Newbie!
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