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Everything posted by Shishio

  1. Well, it worked for a little while the first time I shut off my firewall, but I still had problems. But anyway, I have since learned that our ISP didn't upgrade the service as high as they did, as we are too far away to get their "High Speed", and supposedly the service we're on isn't compatible with their "Wireless Home Networking" service, so I am just going to go with a different ISP altogether. Thank you all very much for trying to help me, though.
  2. There is no Network Properties tab in the Control Panel.
  3. I tried going to the router setup page, but none of the usernames or passwords we had were valid, so... How do I lookup his IP?
  4. I cannot find the "Shut Internet off after twenty minutes of inactivity" option. Also, I have to wait until I find my Windows 98 CD to activate sharing. Is the procedure the same on XP? (My landlord's computer has XP.)
  5. When I am unable to use the internet on my computer, it still works on my landlord's computer. Everything works fine on his end. But according to the status icon and window of my wireless card, it's still connected, and I still get signal readings, yet I'm unable to browse or otherwise use the internet at all. And it won't work again until I either restart, or change something. For example, as I said, it would work for about twenty minutes at a time, then not work, and only start working again after I restarted. Then restarting no longer worked and I had to shut down my firewall and antivirus software. Then it worked for awhile, stopped working, and did not work again when I restarted. So under my configuration options, I set Network SSID to Linksys, and it worked. (It was set to first available access point before. Also, I tried typing in the SSID provided by our ISP, but that didn't work.) Then it stopped working, and worked again after I restarted. As for our setup, this is how it works: Our ISP is Bell Sympatico. He had internet with them, and I asked if he would share his connection. He called Bell and asked how he could go about this, and they said he would have to upgrade his connection and that they would send us something they called the Wireless Home Networking Modem. It looks like a normal modem, except it has two additional lights, (Wireless and Internet.) three additional ethernet plugs, and an antenna by the power button. His computer is upstairs, and connected to the modem/router/whatever it is via ethernet. My computer is in the basement, and has a wireless card. (I did all of the setup work for both computers.) As I said, his connection works perfectly, and as the topic title states, mine is obscenely slow and erratic. And lastly, since I am so stupid and ignorant, please tell me how to share a folder between our two computers, and how, if necessary, to change my wireless channel. (I do see a channel window in my configuration screen, but it's greyed out, so I cannot change it. It's on channel 6.)
  6. OK, I am sharing my landlord's internet connection. To save the hassle of dealing with a really long ethernet cable, I got a wireless card. Yesterday, I installed the card, a Trendnet 54 Mbps 802.11g PCI adapter, and everything worked great. For about twenty minutes. Then the internet went down. I checked the modem and the computer upstairs. Everything is working perfectly on that end. I go back downstairs and check my connection again. It works. It goes down again. I figure it will come back up in a few minutes. It doesn't. I restart my computer. It works. Twenty minutes later, it goes down again. I restart the computer, it works. Lather, rinse, repeat about two or three more times. Then it goes down again, and restarting no longer fixes my problem. I leave the computer on, and decide to go to bed, and deal with it after I get up. I get up, it still doesn't work. I turn it off, go to work, and try again upon getting home today. It still doesn't work. My ISP is Bell, so I call technical support. That was a wonderfully constructive use of an hour-and-a-half of my time... The tech support agent told me to disable my anti-virus and firewall software. With these programs disabled, my internet seems to work OK, but I would like my internet to work properly with my security software running, for obvious reasons. And the technical support number for Trendnet is a U.S. number, and I cannot make long distance calls, so with no other options, (Bell does not support my wireless card, so they cannot help me either.) I turn to you. If you can help me resolve my internet problem, or can refer me to someone who can, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. In case it is necessary, my system information is as follows: Operating System: Windows 98 Second Edition Processor: 533 Mhz RAM: 160 mb Wireless Card: Trendnet TEW-423PI 54 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter Modem: Siemens Speedstream 6520 Anti-virus Software: AVG 7.0 Firewall: Sygate Personal Firewall Pro (Version 5.6, I think.)
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