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Posts posted by msswove

  1. Hello!


    I am living in an area with generally poor internet (Manaus, Brazil), and while looking at average speeds is helpful it isn't exactly what I need. Internet packages here are often sold in 1,2,5,10 mega bundles. I am looking to replace my virtua 10 mega plan because they are really unreliable in my area, but I can't find out average speed based on package sold. A lot of people around here have low mega packages due to the high relative price of internet, driving the average speed down. So, while Oi internet is lower mega on average, I can't figure out if it is due to lower mega bundles or poorer performance. Net virtua on average sells more high mega packages because it is a more expensive (supposed higher quality...), whereas Oi is cheap and oftens serves the poor. I know there are other speed tests which compare price to speed, or package to speed, is there a similar feature for this website? 



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