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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. I'm happy now...got the router working [sort of]. My browser finally let me access the router address once, for some reason, so I could change the default address, and then it was clear sailing. However, I couldn't access the net in router mode, got 'not available offline' messages for configuration pages, and could get no connection. Ended up wiring the router as a switch [already a router built into the DW 6000, anyway] using just two LAN ports [ie- Wan port empty] , disabled the UPnP and DCHP functions in the router, did the rest of the configuration by the book, and all seems well. Setup as a switch will suit my needs just fine, anyway. Wish I could specify how I got browser to access dlink pages, but have no idea, a lot of fumbling around in the dark, probably a combo of hehimself3's suggestions and dlink manual. Not exactly user-friendly, but then I'm not exactly a friendly user. Thanks all, for your time, trouble, and suggestions.
  2. OK, will try those ideas. A little afraid of the patch cable, though. Kind of hate to admit defeat. Thanks for the input.
  3. Thanks.
  4. E-mailed their [dlink] tech support...they got back to me with info how to configure router, mentioned that I might have to change router address, but neglected to mention how to access router web-based configuration software from behind dway modem. Will give them another try. Kind of out in the boonies here, no phone available, so will be by e-mail. Getting pretty frustrated with the process, however.
  5. Yep, looked at the Linksys website, they use The identical addresses of dway and dlink seem to be an insurmountable obstacle...think I'll return the dlink router and pick up a linksys one next time I go to town. Seems like pretty poor planning by the dlink engineering department to use as the default router address. Definitely not recommended for dway users. Again, thanks for the help. Unfortunately, problem not soluble [or not by me, anyway].
  6. Yeah, was planning on trying that tomorrow. Can't see any other way around the issue. Funny how installing a basic plug-and-play device can get so complicated! Thanks, everyone, for all the suggestions. Completely off topic...have tried a bunch of free Voip applications over dway, limited or no success. Presently fiddling around with Skype, which is actually useable, with the inevitable sat delay. They are presently offering free phone service from any computer in N America to any phone [landline] numbers in N America, presently until the end of December. I think they're trying to raise their N American profile, they are fairly big in Europe and S America. Worth checking out if you're interested in Voip over satellite. Cheers all.
  7. That's what I want to do, but I'm an idiot and can't figure out how. Can't seem to access router address if off-line, and if on-line get dway system control page, which is same address as default router address. Configuration of router is web-based, apparently, and I've been unsuccessful at accessing that, so unable to change router address from default value. Or am I missing something obvious??
  8. Thanks, but have tried that...tried it again anyway, but can't access that address while offline [ie while modem disconnected]. Cleared cache, dumped cookies, etc, reset router, rebooted computer, just in case any of that would make any difference. Appears that dway IP and modem default address being the same is the complicating factor. Any other ideas?
  9. Well, I'm baffled. Trying to install a d-link WBR-1310 wireless router on my dway 6000 system, so can use a laptop in another room. Various forums claim that this is either a/ not possible on the dway domestic setup, or b/ possible but reconfiguration of router necessary. The biggest problem so far is that the router default address is the same as the dway IP address []. I need to access that address to configure router [web based configuration], but can only get dway stats page. When router hooked up as per specs in d-link manual, access to internet is not available [wtf?] so can do nothing wrt configuration. Obviously I'm far from competent with this stuff. Any suggestions? Is it possible or not? D-link tech support says yes, and sent a memo detailing how to change the router configuration to make it compatible, but this requires access to the web based configuration pages, which so far I can't seem to do. All input gratefully received. Thanks.
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