my rr connection is sucking like usual, this morning it was going great, then around 12 or so it went like 14% lower than average, i know it was peak hours, but a friend of mine did the test same time and got 10% over,i'm also gettin lots of loss when i play counter strike. i'm using a dlink router and no tweaking has been done the connection. heres my results
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 723 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)
Download Speed is:: 88 kB/s
Tested From:: (server2)
Test Time:: Tue Jan 3 15:18:28 EST 2006
Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB download in 11.64 sec
Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 16.78 % of your hosts average (
:::.. Upload Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 380 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)
Upload Speed is:: 46 kB/s
Tested From:: (server1)
Test Time:: Tue Jan 3 15:21:37 EST 2006
Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 22.26 sec
Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 22.98 % faster than the average for host (