I just moved into a new house and here I have Lightspeed broadband (slow cable) but the speeds are advertised at around 64kb/s, and I'm only getting about 29kb/s. I've restarted in safe mode, ran avast antivirus, scandisk, defrag, spybot S&D, etc.... I've reset my modem (by using both the reset switch and disconnecting the power supply for 30 secs.) I removed ZoneAlarm and still had the same speed. Here is my info.. I dont really care about upload speeds, i'm just trying to get my download speeds up a bit. I realize that even 64kb/s is painfully slow, but i'm not worried about it, I usually just download stuff while i sleep anyways. Anyways, here's my info. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
OS: Win ME
ISP: Access Communications
Advertised speed: 64kb/second (up and down)
I've tried cablenut and it's made no difference.
www.speedguide.net TCP/IP Analyzer info:
TCP options string = 020405b401010402
MTU = 1500
MTU is fully optimized for broadband.
MSS = 1460
Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS.
Default Receive Window (RWIN) = 17520
RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits
Unscaled Receive Window = 17520
RWIN is a multiple of MSS
Other values for RWIN that might work well with your current MTU/MSS:
513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of
256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4)
128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2)
64240 (MSS x 44)
bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test):
Your RcvWindow limits you to: 700.8 kbps (87.6 KBytes/s) @ 200ms
Your RcvWindow limits you to: 280.32 kbps (35.04 KBytes/s) @ 500ms
Consider increasing your RWIN value to optimize TCP/IP for broadband.
MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON
Time to live left = 121 hops
TTL value is ok.
Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF
Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON
IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 00000000 (0)
Testmy.net results:
Connection is:: 238 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)
Download Speed is:: 29 kB/s
Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)
Test Time:: Wed Jan 4 19:14:39 CST 2006
Bottom Line:: 4X faster than 56K 1MB download in 35.31 sec
Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 14.03 % of your hosts average (accesscomm.ca)
Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BRIJOG2H1
http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ UCSC Web100 based Network Diagnostic Tool results:
TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.3d
click START to begin
Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 127.50Kb/s
running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 246.09kb/s
Your PC is connected to a Cable/DSL modem
Information: Other network traffic is congesting the link
Information: The receive buffer should be 65.00 Kbytes to maximize throughput
Check.bat Results:
urrent date is Wed 04/01/2006
Current time is 19:24:40.27
Windows Millennium [Version 4.90.3000]
Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=109ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=110ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=110ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=110ms TTL=47Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 109ms, Maximum = 110ms, Average = 109ms
Ping Complete.
Tracing route to testmy.net []over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <10 ms 13 ms <10 ms 2 14 ms 13 ms 14 ms docsis-interconnect.regina.accesscomm.ca [] 3 28 ms 13 ms 14 ms A-p10-0-0-S1.gw2.cal1.rogerstelecom.net [] 4 27 ms 14 ms 14 ms g11-0-4-S1.bb1.cal1.rogerstelecom.net [] 5 55 ms 55 ms 55 ms p4-0-S1.bb1.tor1.rogerstelecom.net [] 6 54 ms 55 ms 55 ms p2-1-S1.bb1.mtl1.rogerstelecom.net [] 7 97 ms 82 ms 82 ms sl-gw1-pen-13-3.sprintlink.net [] 8 83 ms 96 ms 82 ms sl-bb20-pen-5-0.sprintlink.net [] 9 110 ms 109 ms 110 ms sl-bb27-fw-13-0.sprintlink.net [] 10 110 ms 110 ms 110 ms sl-st20-dal-1-0.sprintlink.net [] 11 109 ms 110 ms 110 ms sl-theplanet-5-0.sprintlink.net [] 12 110 ms 110 ms 110 ms vl31.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 13 137 ms 110 ms 124 ms vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 14 137 ms 110 ms 123 ms gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 15 110 ms 109 ms 124 ms 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete.