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About mCHAM3L3ONm

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. I started thinking about how I'm trying to enhance my XBox Live speed through the Cablenut settings on my PC, and decided to try the crossover cable and NIC option. I think if I tried to use my router to share my internet connection with my XBox I would bypass my PC altogether and thereby bypass the settings from cablenut that enhance the connection so much (assuming by bridging the two I could enhance the XBox360 connection). To give an idea on where I am now: I have already installed, and bridged/shared my internet connection between my primary NIC card, and my secondary NIC card (the XBox360). My XBox360 doesn't seem to see the connection, but my PC can connect to the internet (obviously ). How do I need to setup my XBox360 so that it will recognize the connection comming from my PC? THANKS A TON!!!!! -Joe P.S.> Compuworm, since you seem to know quite a bit about configuring a router to accept/share internet connection with computers on the network, do you have any suggestions on how to get the XBox to recognize the shared broadband connection from the PC?
  2. Compuworm, No, I don't use any tweaks for my router, but that's mostly because I can't seem to get my internet to work through it (I think it has something to do with what I mentioned about the static IP). The make/model of my router is Linksys Model NR041 4-port router (I don't know the version of the router, and I don't know where the book went so I can't help much there). I never messed with the router more than trying to input the IP/gateway/etc. I also looked around the settings to make it recognize static IP, but with no luck. As for my upload - here are the results: :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 919 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 112 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sat Jan 7 13:13:56 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 16X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 9.14 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 63.52 % faster than the average for host (airmail.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-8KJ15SDIX Thanks, -Joe
  3. I think I understand what you mean, but from reading your last post I think you're under the impression that my PC is connected wirelessly to the broadband modem. If this is the case, what I mean by wireless broadband is that my internet connection is connected outside of my home through a sort-of radio antenna. From the antenna the connection travels to the modem using Cat6 cable, then from the modem (which looks similar to a phone biscuit jack with a green LED)to my PC. The connection inside the house is a wired connection (so the PC registers the connection like it would a wired connection - or like a cable connection similar to Roadrunner or something). If I misinterpreted your last post, and you understand what I wrote above, then how do I get into the properties of my modem to change the sharing of the connection? Thanks for your help! -Joe
  4. i forgot to add this, here are the test results to my test connection: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2373 Kbps about 2.4 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 290 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Jan 7 11:05:47 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 42X faster than 56K 1MB download in 3.53 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 80.73 % faster than the average for host (airmail.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-X0NAL526T Thanks! -Joe
  5. Hello all, This is my first post here, so please be kind . I use a wireless broadband provider via Topgun Telecom (owned/operated by Internet America) which advertises connection speeds from around 500kbps-1.5mbps. My pc is a 3.4Gig Intel P4, with 2Gig PC3200 DDR (running in dual channel asynchronous mode), I use a Gigabyte mobo with an onboard NIC card (10/100). When I first started using my broadband connection I was only getting 233kbps-1.2mbps, but thanks to reading some threads here I was able to bring up the connection to be 800kbps-2.8mbps. I used the tips for adware/spyware, virus checks, and finally using the program "Cablenut" with the custom settings suggested by the poster at the time. I still have some lag issues with Battlefield 2 which seem to occur randomly, but most of the time it runs much better now (thanks for all the help to get this far btw!). Okay, with all the history out of the way I can get to my question: I use an XBox360 on this same connection but have to reset-reconnect the broadband connection whenever I want to go from playing the PC to the XBox360 or visa-versa. As I mentioned before - when I first started using the wireless connection to the PC I had terrible connection problems, but thanks to the friendly people here I was able to remedy the problem. What I want to know now is if I installed another NIC card in my PC and used the PC as a router for the broadband connection to the XBox360 - would the XBox360 reap the benefits gained by my PC from Cablenut? As it stands now, my XBox360 seems to suffer from some pretty bad lag at times, and so far as I can tell, it's because of me. I desperately want to remedy this problem, but I am at a loss, and I have had some people tell me that they think my proposal would work - where others say it wouldn't. Since ya'll seem to know your stuff I thought I'd ask people who really know what's going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time/effort/and patience while reading my novel. Thanks!!!! Sincerely, -Joe P.S.> I connect the broadband the way I do because I can't seem to get my Lynksys Router to use the static IP I have to share the internet between my PC and XBox360. I spoke with tech support from my ISP, but to no avail. I also followed - to the letter - the procedure from the instruction manual for my router, and had no luck (however I must mention that there doesn't seem to be a way to make my router use a static IP).
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