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- Birthday 01/01/1
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i have wireless netgear linksystem WRT160N the downstairs is wireless the upstairs is not here my result i need some help for better conenction thanks. TCP options string = 020405b40103030101010402 MTU = 1500 MTU is fully optimized for broadband. MSS = 1460 Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS. Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) = 131070 RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 1 bits (scale factor: 2^1=2) Unscaled TCP Receive Window = 65535 For optimum performance, consider changing RWIN to a multiple of MSS. Other RWIN values that might work well with your current MTU/MSS: 64240 (up to 2 Mbit lines, depending on latency. MSS * 44) 128480 (1-5 Mbit lines, depending on latency. MSS * 44 * 2) 256960 (2-14 Mbit lines, depending on latency. MSS * 44 * 2^2) 513920 (8-30 Mbit lines, depending on latency. MSS * 44 * 2^3) 1027840 (25-60 Mbit lines depending on latency. MSS * 44 * 2^4) bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test): Your TCP Window limits you to: 5243 kbps (655 KBytes/s) @ 200ms Your TCP Window limits you to: 2097 kbps (262 KBytes/s) @ 500ms MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON Time to live left = 46 hops TTL value is ok. Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 11110000 (240) Precedence (priority) = 111 (Network Control) Delay = 1 (low delay) Throughput = 0 (normal throughput) Reliability = 0 (normal reliability) Cost = 0 (normal cost) Check bit = 0 (correct, 8th checking bit must be zero) DiffServ (RFC 2474) = No valid DiffServ equivalent. See the TCP Optimizer documentation, or RFCs 2474, 2475, 2597, 2598, 2873. speed test... IP Address: 66.xxx.xxx.xx (LONG LINES INTERNET) Last Test Date: 10/25/2008 Total Tests Taken: 8 Fastest Download: 15945 kb/s Fastest Upload: 4531 kb/s Average Download: 9043 kb/s Average Upload: 3215 kb/s Edited out your IP address, never allow anyone to see this, someone could cause you issues, never know .
I need some help im using windows xp home ,netgear wireless modem i got a new internet service provider longlines download is suppose to be getting 10 megs i need better speed though real bad any help is appreciated here my test here results... TCP properties for IP = xxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxx) Browser/OS = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Notes: Read the Analyzer FAQ if the above is not your IP address. TCP options string = 020405b40103030201010402 MTU = 1500 MTU is fully optimized for broadband. MSS = 1460 Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS. Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) = 256960 RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 2 bits (scale factor of 4) Unscaled TCP Receive Window = 64240 RWIN is a multiple of MSS Other RWIN values that might work well with your current MTU/MSS: 513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 8 256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4) <-- current value 128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2) 64240 (MSS x 44) bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test): Your TCP Window limits you to: 10278 Kbps (1285 KBytes/s) @ 200ms Your TCP Window limits you to: 4111 Kbps (514 KBytes/s) @ 500ms MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON Time to live left = 45 hops TTL value is ok. Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 11110000 (240) Precedence (priority) = 111 (Network Control) Delay = 1 (low delay) Throughput = 0 (normal throughput) Reliability = 0 (normal reliability) Cost = 0 (normal cost) Check bit = 0 (correct, 8th checking bit must be zero) DiffServ (RFC 2474) = No valid DiffServ equivalent. See the TCP Optimizer documentation, or RFCs 2474, 2475, 2597, 2598, 2873. ::::::::::.. Download Stats ..:::::::::: Download Connection is:: 401 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 49 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2007/11/18 - 3:35pm Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 20.9 sec Tested from a 386 kB file and took 7.891 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 23.45 % of your hosts average (longlines.com) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WRNA19KT7 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) ::::::::::.. Upload Stats ..:::::::::: Upload Connection is:: 765 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 93 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2007/11/18 - 3:38pm Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 11.01 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 16.016 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 75.06 % faster than the average for host (longlines.com) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VM7HSX54W User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
K my wireless is downstairs so its i say a not more then a couple rooms away my router is reading 54.0 mbps but somtimes it goes down to 48.0 here is my speed test on my upstairs computer this is without wireless dslreports.com speed test result on 2006-05-08 16:57:28 EST: 2929 / 276 Your download speed : 2929 kbps or 366.1 KB/sec. That is 19.7% better than an average user on cableone.net Your upload speed : 276 kbps or 34.5 KB/sec. That is 8.9% worse than an average user on cableone.net my downstair computer is getting half that so i say 1500 exact my connection shuld read 2900 to 3000 thats what i usually get sorry for confusion i see my upload speed is terrible i need some tweaks bad ..
Fallow yes my downstair computer is wireless it has a NetGear WG311v2 802.11g card in it my connection speed is suppose to be 3000 because i had quest before and i was getting 1500 down 768 up so i switched to cableone and she said it should be 8 to 9 times faster it is upstairs but not downstairs i will try that rwin fallow if u have any more much as for my trace route here it is thanks. The current date is: Mon 05/08/2006 The current time is: 14:41:24.54 Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=54 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 12, Received = 12, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 39ms, Maximum = 44ms, Average = 40ms Ping Complete. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 12 ms 12 ms 14 ms 2 12 ms 10 ms 12 ms 24-116-211-230.cpe.cableone.net [] 3 14 ms 12 ms 15 ms 4 41 ms 41 ms 48 ms tbr1-p010102.sl9mo.ip.att.net [] 5 42 ms 41 ms 43 ms tbr2-cl6.dlstx.ip.att.net [] 6 39 ms 40 ms 38 ms gr1-p340.dlstx.ip.att.net [] 7 41 ms 42 ms 39 ms 8 44 ms 41 ms 40 ms vl32.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 9 51 ms 40 ms 42 ms vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 10 52 ms 168 ms 155 ms gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 11 43 ms 41 ms 43 ms 55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com [] Trace complete.
Ya vanburen u helped me out before well i got a problem i got a new cable modem d-link DCM-202 and a new router Belkin Wireless g router is 54.0 mbps now i got a question on my upstairs desktop i have the router and modem that computer speed test is at 2900 some times 3000 now on my downstairs it is bad its at 1500 some times 1600 or 1700 i called cableone to look at my wall jack said its fyne i dunno i cleared al temp cookies history sites etc scanned for viruses n safe mode nothing i really need some help here i payed a total of 120 for both devices im just thinking of goin back to motorola modem with wireless on it because routers are a pain and they lagg you here are my settings .. TCP options string = 020405b401010402 MTU = 1500 MTU is fully optimized for broadband. MSS = 1460 Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS. Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) = 64240 RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits Unscaled TCP Receive Window = 64240 RWIN is a multiple of MSS Other RWIN values that might work well with your current MTU/MSS: 513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4) 128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2) 64240 (MSS x 44) <-- current value bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test): Your TCP Window limits you to: 2569.6 kbps (321.2 KBytes/s) @ 200ms Your TCP Window limits you to: 1027.84 kbps (128.48 KBytes/s) @ 500ms MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = OFF Time to live left = 54 hops TTL value is ok. Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 00000000 (0) The current date is: Mon 05/08/2006 The current time is: 5:31:04.90 Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=38ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=607ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=38ms TTL=54 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 12, Received = 12, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 38ms, Maximum = 607ms, Average = 88ms
Fallow i forgot to tell u i changed the tcpwindowsize wen i first got this computer dell dimension 4700 the default rwin was 373360 i dont think it makes a big diffrence does it?
Fallow im on ethernet thanks for helpin me with my connection i appreciate it very much.
i got cableone advertised speed 3000 kps for download upload is 300 TCP options string = 020405b401010402 MTU = 1500 MTU is fully optimized for broadband. MSS = 1460 Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS. Default Receive Window (RWIN) = 64240 RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits Unscaled Receive Window = 64240 RWIN is a multiple of MSS Other values for RWIN that might work well with your current MTU/MSS: 513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4) 128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2) bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test): Your RcvWindow limits you to: 2569.6 kbps (321.2 KBytes/s) @ 200ms Your RcvWindow limits you to: 1027.84 kbps (128.48 KBytes/s) @ 500ms MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON Time to live left = 54 hops TTL value is ok. Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 11110000 (240) Precedence (priority) = 111 (Network Control) Delay = 1 (low delay) Throughput = 0 (normal throughput) Reliability = 0 (normal reliability) Cost = 0 (normal cost) Check bit = 0 (correct, 8th checking bit must be zero) DiffServ (RFC 2474) = No valid DiffServ equivalent. See the TCP Optimizer documentation, or RFCs 2474, 2475, 2597, 2598, 2873. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2486 Kbps about 2.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 303 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Jan 14 23:34:59 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 44X faster than 56K 1MB download in 3.38 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 84.7 % of your hosts average (cableone.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-RXP934UYE :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 291 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 36 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sat Jan 14 23:37:45 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 5X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 28.44 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 40.58 % faster than the average for host (cableone.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-S182ARKEB The current date is: Sat 01/14/2006 The current time is: 23:39:10.85 Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=60ms TTL=54 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 41ms, Maximum = 60ms, Average = 46ms Ping Complete. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 17 ms 9 ms 12 ms 2 8 ms 18 ms 20 ms 3 15 ms 14 ms 17 ms 4 45 ms 46 ms 37 ms 5 46 ms 63 ms 52 ms 6 38 ms 42 ms 39 ms 7 43 ms 43 ms 38 ms 8 42 ms 39 ms 44 ms 9 41 ms 44 ms 39 ms 10 43 ms 50 ms 42 ms 11 46 ms 59 ms 44 ms Trace complete.
:::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3093 Kbps about 3.1 Mbps (tested with 20972 kB) Download Speed is:: 378 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 55X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.71 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 5.42 % faster than the average for host (cableone.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0VIMSGR4J