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About ScCoghill

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. nah...my wife teaches resource students at our local high school. i personally think the name probably fits ya... don't change... thanks for the help
  2. yes like that...
  3. Special_Ed, how do i do the tweak on the packets you are referring too? By the way what is the Special_ED about? Teacher???
  4. thanks guys now i understand the process...
  5. i just called again and they reset the 6000 from their end and i unplugged my router and then hooked back up now i get 550 truespeed down and 57 up this sucks to keep calling and calling...how do i e-mail the idiots my speeds? there must be a way, cause you guys keep putting it in your posts vr, scott
  6. now i have a lock symbol next to this post as well as the other, i din't lock either one, what am i doing wrong? thanks in advance...
  7. i'll add them to my list tonight as well, i will e-mail ours in south carolina tonight! good point by all. sure wish i had my hassle free roadrunner back...in the country now and this stupid system is all i can use.
  8. type in in the address window? then do a cross pole check? what is this about? also does one satellite do better than another? i'm going to start my bitching at 5:00 pm so what else can i complain about?
  9. Any idea what the lock symbol means? I can't find it listed on the site and can't figure out how to ask site administrator... I am gathering from all of you that Direcway isn't helping any of us much. How long a contract did I sign, I can't even find my contract due to all the stinking tests I've done. I am thinking maybe a nationwide push collectively to complain via the news media might help. Maybe a spot on the major news networks would do. I am going to threaten that tonight at 5:00 pm. Join me as we toast, I mean Roast, DIRECWAY... VR, Scott
  10. I assume you guys have all called to complain, what is their response? Aren't we guaranteed a certain speed? I too have been unable to get a upload score the last day or so. I can tell you that the foreign girl I talked to last night ( she reset the 6000 from her side she said) told me the speeds are the same on both their site and this one. She said they recommend you use this site testmy.net to avoid having to put in all the gateway crap and numbers needed for their test. I do agree with Fikester, A blazing system at 3:00 am isn't gonna cut it for me. vr, scott
  11. Fikster...I to am having the crappy speeds. This morning my system was blazing at 95+ on the access and around decent on the upload speeds. Now it won't even finish the upload test within two minutes. It does give me about 155 or so on the access now and 25 on the download. I've gotta complain to them again. They've gotta get me above 200 constantly for me to even do my school work. I need to constantly upload grades for my students and the stupid system freezes up. How do you reach level 2 tech support, ask for it or make a certain number of calls? vr, scott
  12. I am a bit confused, what does the numbers mean: For instance, i see in your posted reply that you get 997 Kbps connection speed, obviously bigger is better and faster. is this the 200+ that they guarantee? in addition, you sdaid you get downlaod speeds of 122 KB/s, is this a good number or is this supposed to be above 200 as well? i can't tell you my upload speed now (at work, ) but will post later.
  13. Your connection rating is: [Test Home | Re-Test] See our forum for speed tips Your connection is: 997 Kbps (about 1 Mbps) You downloaded at: 122 KB/s Your TRuSPEED
  14. Maybe i don't understand this stuff, 30 of you read my post, after the direcway rep did something (i don't have a clue...maybe a hardboot of thr dw-6000) the speed went from 121 to 900+ on the download, is this much better than most of you get? see results below. has nayone tried the LCCU dowmload on their site yet?
  15. we put a direcway 6000 into our new home due to no dsl or roadrunner service the sppeeds have been slow since july, (about 127 mbps) then when i called direcway to complain, they reset their end and now it is about 200 on the download speed with the testmy.net test with the 500+ test file. what should i be getting from it and how do i get it? i'm fairly computer literate, but not an expert. i'm running a router off the direcway 6000 to 5 cat 5 jacks in my house. normally have only one computer, maybe two up and running. windows xp on all systems. any help for me... vr, scott
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