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Posts posted by robhwill

  1. hi all!  hope someone here can give some pointers.  current setup is: ISP=AT&T (Uverse) provisioned for 12/Mbps down/1MBps up speed tier.  connection has been stable for 2+ years.  lately though, (past 30 days) not good at all.  many, many resyncs at varying times which would last a couple of hours. 2 weeks ago made service call home tech arrived and replaced 'old' nid box at side of house to 'new' type. he also checked wiring outside-to-junction box (terminal box) which is located approx. 3 blocks from house. service stablized again and held steady for about a week.  but the past 3-5 days, some resyncs day or night which interfered with net usage but when sync steady only do so at very slow speeds, i.e. 3Mbps/down and 300-460Kbps up speed.  new service call this past saturday (10may2014) led to appt. for service today (12may2014)  att assured me when i called that the problem was detected on their end, and i was not required to be home for service.  tech called 9:15 this a.m. and assured me the problems were at the junction box, were scheduled for fix, and expect service to be up solid in 2 hours.  his supervisor told him not to do it right then; called again after 4 hrs., tech apologized and got on the phone to his supeervisor. now after 1 hour service signal/connection is locked in solid, but at very, very low speeds:  1.5Mbps/down and 600 Kbps/up.  Problem:  when i access the Motorola NV510 admin pages it tells me I am sync at 11997/down with 1021/up.  TestMy.net speed tests (7 in all) show speeds as very slow as above.  Anyone know what I should ask tech to look for?  What I should look for myself?  Note:  My wiring is fine (proven in past), NID is new, and computer system is stable.  Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Feel free to answer her or PM me at robhwill-at-yahoo.com.  Thanks Guys.  Have A Healthy, Prosperous Day!   ---rob

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