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Speed Test
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Everything posted by bonkers
I applyed those new settings, not much of a difference really :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1468 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 179 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net Test Time:: Wed Feb 15 2006 17:38:35 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 26X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.72 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 71.3 % faster than the average for host (31.109) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-V7TFL2NC9 Although, i have another idea. I was talking to a Bell techy(He was off duty, just a friend) and he did a little research on my connection for me. He found out that my connection is on an old main line, while my friend a few houses over is on a new line because his phone # starts with 731 while mine is 889 so I was thinking if i could get my line rerouted. Im going to give Bell a call tomorrow.
I know its the 3MB DSL service but dont know my upload heres the TCP test TCP options string = 020405ac0103030001010402 MTU = 1492 MTU is optimized for PPoE DSL broadband. If not, consider raising MTU to 1500 for optimal throughput. MSS = 1452 MSS is optimized for PPPoE DSL broadband. If not, consider raising your MTU value. Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) = 63888 RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits Unscaled TCP Receive Window = 63888 RWIN is a multiple of MSS Other RWIN values that might work well with your current MTU/MSS: 511104 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 255552 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4) 127776 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2) 63888 (MSS x 44) <-- current value bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test): Your TCP Window limits you to: 2555.52 kbps (319.44 KBytes/s) @ 200ms Your TCP Window limits you to: 1022.208 kbps (127.776 KBytes/s) @ 500ms MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON Time to live left = 57 hops TTL value is ok. Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 00000000 (0)
here, ill throw in a speed test too. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1421 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Download Speed is:: 173 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2) Test Time:: Mon Feb 13 2006 15:27:24 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.92 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 93.07 % faster than the average for host (35.210) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WCQ6RMK3U
Hey guys, for the past few days i have had the router and modem seperated as much as i could but still no difference. I know my ISP can fix this problem but I don't know what to say to them. I'm with Bell and have their 3MB DSL highspeed connection.
yes, they are quite close to each other. I will seperate them but just wondering how does that effect anything?
thanks for replying cholla, but how is this helping me? got any ideas that might be slowing me down?
anyone got more info on my problem?
heres the reverse tracert test: Out BGP (port 119, 23, 80, 3128, etc) 2 ae4.j3.iad.scnet.net ( 9.816 ms 9.971 ms 9.959 ms 3 unknown.iad.scnet.net ( 9.950 ms 9.435 ms 9.971 ms 4 nyk-bb2-pos0-3-0.telia.net ( 9.964 ms 9.443 ms 9.965 ms 5 nyk-b1-link.telia.net ( 9.955 ms 9.596 ms 22.267 ms 6 bx4-newyork83-pos3-1.in.bellnexxia.net ( 9.656 ms 9.302 ms 9.975 ms 7 * * * 8 * * * 9 * * * 10 * * * 11 * * * 12 * * * 13 * * * 14 * * * 15 * * * 16 * * * 17 * * * 18 * * * 19 * * * 20 * * * Out SC (port 7000) 2 ae4.j3.iad.scnet.net ( 9.767 ms 9.984 ms 9.955 ms 3 unknown.iad.scnet.net ( 9.920 ms 9.448 ms 9.959 ms 4 nyk-bb2-pos0-3-0.telia.net ( 27.325 ms 9.920 ms 9.953 ms 5 nyk-b1-link.telia.net ( 15.909 ms 9.347 ms 9.979 ms 6 bx4-newyork83-pos3-1.in.bellnexxia.net ( 9.925 ms 9.369 ms 9.966 ms 7 * * * 8 * * * 9 * * * 10 * * * 11 * * * 12 * * * 13 * * * 14 * * * 15 * * * 16 * * * 17 * * * 18 * * * 19 * * * 20 * * * Out Cogent (port 8000) 2 g3-0.core01.iad01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 9.701 ms 10.025 ms 9.975 ms 3 p11-0.core02.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 9.938 ms 9.871 ms 10.128 ms 4 p6-0.core01.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com ( 14.591 ms 13.202 ms 13.202 ms 5 * * * 6 core2-newyork83-pos0-3.in.bellnexxia.net ( 15.737 ms 15.781 ms 15.072 ms 7 * * * 8 * * * 9 * * * 10 * * * 11 * * * 12 * * * 13 * * * 14 * * * 15 * * * 16 * * * 17 * * * 18 * * * 19 * * * 20 * * * Out BtN (port 9000) 2 ge13-2.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net ( 9.127 ms 9.082 ms 9.958 ms 3 bellcanada.ge2-3.br02.chc01.pccwbtn.net ( 33.472 ms 33.566 ms 33.676 ms 4 * * * 5 core3-toronto12-pos6-3.in.bellnexxia.net ( 41.152 ms 41.147 ms 41.040 ms 6 dis11-toronto12-Gigabite1-1.in.bellnexxia.net ( 41.148 ms 41.649 ms 41.040 ms 7 * * * 8 * * * 9 * * * 10 * * * 11 * * * 12 * * * 13 * * * 14 * * * 15 * * * 16 * * * 17 * * * 18 * * * 19 * * * 20 * * *
Hey guys, you might remember me from awhile ago. I had very slow speed with bell and now its better(It used to be about 30kb/s and now its about 170kb/s) but i still have very high latencies. just take a look at this tracert. Tracing route to testmy.net [xx.xx.xx.xx] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 48 ms 49 ms 49 ms 2 50 ms 46 ms 47 ms 3 47 ms 46 ms 47 ms core3-toronto12-Gigabite4-2.in.bellnexxia.net [2] 4 59 ms 60 ms 58 ms core2-chicago23-pos10-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.1 08.103.118] 5 58 ms 60 ms 58 ms bx2-chicago23-pos10-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.108 .103.122] 6 58 ms 59 ms 59 ms so-4-3-3.cr1.ord2.us.above.net [] 7 87 ms 86 ms 85 ms so-5-0-0.cr1.dfw2.us.above.net [] 8 84 ms 83 ms 83 ms [] 9 84 ms 83 ms 83 ms vl32.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 10 84 ms 83 ms 87 ms vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 11 84 ms 85 ms 83 ms gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 5] 12 84 ms 87 ms 85 ms 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [ ] Trace complete. C:Documents and Settingsuser> now, i have done EVERYTHING i know to do with Bell but they just wont fix it. I know its fixable because my friend who is about 8 houses away from me gets about 3ms on the first hop. I even asked Sympatico to change my CO but they said it wasn't possible. anyone have any ideas?
he is having the exact same problem i am having, Im also subscribed with sympatico.ca for my ISP and my trace is about the same as him. Microsoft® Windows DOS ©Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001. C:DOCUME~1USER>tracert testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 53 ms 50 ms 50 ms 3 48 ms 47 ms 47 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98640.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 222.33] 4 48 ms 48 ms 49 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98624.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 222.17] 5 59 ms 59 ms 57 ms core1-chicago23-pos10-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.1 08.103.134] 6 58 ms 59 ms 58 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98903.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 223.42] 7 58 ms 59 ms 59 ms 8 58 ms 60 ms 57 ms G1-2.rp0.chcg.broadwing.net [] 9 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms ge-1-2-0.a1.chcg.broadwing.net [] 10 65 ms 64 ms 64 ms 11 78 ms 79 ms 80 ms 12 81 ms 80 ms 80 ms 13 85 ms 84 ms 85 ms 14 * 87 ms 85 ms dist-vlan32.dsr3-2.dllstx3.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.62] 15 85 ms 87 ms 86 ms dist-vlan22.dsr1-2.dllstx2.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.76] 16 87 ms 89 ms 86 ms dsr2-1-v1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 17 87 ms 86 ms 87 ms gig1-0-1.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [67.18. 116.70] 18 92 ms 87 ms 89 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. C:DOCUME~1USER>
I have a friend that lives about 100 metres away from me and they get about 5-20 ping on CS servers but i get about 70-100 ping mostly. i have called my ISP many times but they just say that even 20 metres can make a big difference in ping and KB/s. do you think i should change my ISP if they can't help me?
hi, thanks for replying to my post. I connect through a wired router. heres the direct connection to the wall. Microsoft® Windows DOS ©Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001. C:DOCUME~1USER>tracert testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 53 ms 50 ms 50 ms 3 48 ms 47 ms 47 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98640.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 222.33] 4 48 ms 48 ms 49 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98624.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 222.17] 5 59 ms 59 ms 57 ms core1-chicago23-pos10-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.1 08.103.134] 6 58 ms 59 ms 58 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98903.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 223.42] 7 58 ms 59 ms 59 ms 8 58 ms 60 ms 57 ms G1-2.rp0.chcg.broadwing.net [] 9 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms ge-1-2-0.a1.chcg.broadwing.net [] 10 65 ms 64 ms 64 ms 11 78 ms 79 ms 80 ms 12 81 ms 80 ms 80 ms 13 85 ms 84 ms 85 ms 14 * 87 ms 85 ms dist-vlan32.dsr3-2.dllstx3.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.62] 15 85 ms 87 ms 86 ms dist-vlan22.dsr1-2.dllstx2.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.76] 16 87 ms 89 ms 86 ms dsr2-1-v1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 17 87 ms 86 ms 87 ms gig1-0-1.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [67.18. 116.70] 18 92 ms 87 ms 89 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. C:DOCUME~1USER>
Hi, my ISP advertises a 3000/1000 connection but we dont get anything near the connection speeds :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1236 Kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is:: 151 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Feb 3 19:36:42 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 22X faster than 56K 1MB download in 6.78 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-D1QC3G6A4 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 213 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 97 KB) Upload Speed is:: 26 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Feb 3 19:37:10 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 4X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 39.38 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-BFKRMDOQ1 heres the tweak test http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:23a1633?service=dsl&speed=3000&os=winXP&via=routerpppoe Microsoft® Windows DOS ©Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001. C:DOCUME~1USER>tracert testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 55 ms 51 ms 54 ms 2 49 ms 49 ms 49 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98640.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 222.33] 3 * 48 ms 48 ms core3-toronto12-Gigabite4-2.in.bellnexxia.net [2] 4 61 ms 61 ms 60 ms core2-chicago23-pos10-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.1 08.103.118] 5 60 ms 60 ms 59 ms core1-chicago23-srp5-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.10 8.103.161] 6 62 ms 61 ms 59 ms HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp98903.qc.sympatico.ca [64.230. 223.42] 7 59 ms 60 ms 60 ms 8 60 ms 61 ms 60 ms G1-2.rp0.chcg.broadwing.net [] 9 60 ms 59 ms 60 ms ge-2-1-0.a1.chcg.broadwing.net [] 10 64 ms 65 ms 65 ms 11 81 ms 82 ms 80 ms 12 82 ms 80 ms 82 ms S2-2-0.a1.dlls.broadwing.net [] 13 87 ms 87 ms 87 ms 14 87 ms 87 ms 87 ms dist-vlan32.dsr3-2.dllstx3.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.62] 15 87 ms 87 ms 87 ms dist-vlan22.dsr1-2.dllstx2.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.76] 16 88 ms 88 ms 87 ms dsr2-2-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 17 * 93 ms 87 ms gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [67.18. 116.86] 18 86 ms 89 ms 86 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. there, anyone help me increase me speed?