I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that wishes to trash this dish! Yesterday was horrible - by the way, I'm on dial-up right now. I could not even email the company to tell them how slow my system was because it kept timing out, 14 tries later the email went. Their response was the same as always, clear the cashe, temps etc. I mean, do they think I'm totally stupid? I finally gave up and called again. After 5 1/2 hours on the phone I got to the advanced level of support, guess what? They are all American, not only that, they could understand southern. We did find a level of higher browsing, alas, it was not to be. The transmitter on the satelite blew. I'm having to use dial-up until they send out the new one and someone to install it. I hate to say this, but I'm actually surfing at a higher speed than I was with the satelite.
The cable company has said they will run cable in our area in about a year. I'm crossing my fingers that it gets here, or DSL would be ok. Both DSL and cable stop about a 1/2 mile from my house. It's like someone is mocking me and doing the nananana dance just up the street!