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Everything posted by inDenial

  1. Thanks swimmer, I got it. I used the 54GS labeled firmware since It seemed to be the right one. All went well. Now that I have that done, What can I do to fix my speed? I tryed to get at you on AIM but it said you were unavailable .D
  2. edit; I downloaded the dd-wrt stuff and I am very lost. Can someone explain to me where I put the files? ( I downloaded the dd-wrt.vs23.vpn.zip file in the downloads section ) .D
  3. Alrighty, I need a little help. I purchased a wireless linksys router ( WRT54GS ) a few months ago so I could move my computer into my room as my mother did not want to run wires, I figured it would be all good and well. Since then its been a rollercoaster.. I decided to run a wire to my computer because the wireless had way to many problems. My problem is the router, If I plug my computer straight into the cable modem my speeds are 4.7+ but when I have it into the router, Im running at like 900kbs out of my 5000 plan.. I decide to try linksys chat.. No help.Next step is calling linksys, now nothing against there race but first off all of the people I can hardly understand because of there heavy indian accent. Secondly they put me on hold for ever to look up a solution to my problem.. I mean cmon can linksys not afford some trained technicians?.. I knew more than these " customer support " employees did. I have to say I am calling them atleast a few times a month, 50/50 I get helped. So my next step was coming here, Since this is where I always test out my speeds. Sorry for the new comer making a topic, Just never signed up It is odviously some setting in the linksys setup page.. Seeing as im ALWAYS sent there from there customer support, Anyone lend a hand? edit; running windows XP P.S - While I'm at it, Can someone point me out how to keep my IP the same? I always have to change the ports to open because my IP seems to always change. Thanks a ton D. Title edited by Swimmer
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