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Everything posted by tobytobes

  1. thanks Ryan, i wonder if adelphia offers anything similar.... I just got off tech support and they are useless!
  2. i'll take a peek thanks again swim
  3. thanks swimmer, we should all compile a list of wireless routers: the good, the bad, and the ugly. this topic seems to come up so often it would be great if there was some kind of guide. Toby
  4. yes. speeds are above average or normal when plugged into the modem directly. Nothing special going on with the router setup (just spent all night fudging with it before setting it back to default). I've tried everything... I do have a Linksys router which I left at my ex-girlfriend's apartment. If memory serves me correctly, that one had the same problem, anyway. well... considering I'm definitely not getting that back what's the general concensus on the boards here about wireless routers?? which ones tend to give the least problems? there has to be an answer... many thanks, Toby
  5. thanks for the replies everyone. As far as the signal is concerned, it seems to be quite good. Just to be clear - I am not on a wireless connection. I'm going through the router to the modem via ethernet cable. Unfortunately the router sucks the bandwidth right out of my connection in the process. I've heard a lot of contradictory info regarding which is the best wireless router for maintaining a good signal on the host computer. I don't see why It would be so hard to retain banwidth, the wireless connections are uses sparingly for browsing, e-mail etc.. So.... I don't see why my router is taking such an unusual amount of bandwidth. As far as switching channels, MTU, tweaking etc... I've tried everything - even disabling the wireless altogether. No difference from factory settings whatsoever. The only option left would be to call NETGEAR which means I'm totally SOL because tech support is useless these days. Any other ideas? There must be a way.... thanks again toby also... are you saying if i plug two modems in, technically it will work?? But it's a bit like stealing cable?
  6. So you're saying the modems would conflict with eachother? Well.. there goes that idea. (could anyone explain in greater detail why having two cable modems would be an impossibility?) OK... Looks like I need to plunk down $$$ for a better router. Are there any wireless routers out there that won't slow down my speeds? thanks, toby
  7. Hi, I recently discovered I only get around 50% connectivity when going thru my NETGEAR wgrz641v5 wireless router. Going straight into the Cable Modem, I get above average connectivity. I'm not trying to tweak my settings anymore. I've tried everything... it's the router.. So.... I was thinking of buying a another cable modem, and installing two in the house. One downstairs for my computer, and one upstairs for the laptops. Has anyone ever tried this? thanks very much... Toby
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