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  1. Hey dude how are you getting such a high upload speed I'm going to get in about 12 megabits a second I was just wondering how you were getting such a high up speed
  2. Well for around here that's blasting fast now do you have your own modem or the other thing I can't think of I don't know what it's called it's right on the tip of my tongue but anyway where do you live at and how are you getting faster speeds and what is your speeds in megabits
  3. Dude are you running their equipment 500 megabits per second that is awesome dude but yeah are you running their equipment or do you have your own Ethernet or router
  4. Are you from the United States or the UK
  5. Wow that's poor to say the least I'm getting over 300 megabits a second on the down and about 14 to 15 on upload what the hell kind of plan are you on
  6. Are you from the United States or the UK ???
  7. Yes man I I am running speeds of roughly 300 megabits a second and faster on my phone my desktop computer I run through Ethernet connection and it's faster yet and I don't pay $60 a month for that service and you're talking kilobits you're not even in the right range so I would definitely look into other services I don't know where you are from let me know I might be able to hook you up with a better service
  8. Dude I am running around 300 megabits per second on my Android phone my ethernet desktop computer is running faster than that I don't know what kind of service you have but I would get rid of it cuz that is really slow
  9. Dude I am running around 300 megabits per second on my Android phone my ethernet desktop computer is running faster than that I don't know what kind of service you have but I would get rid of it cuz that is really slow
  10. Hey this is Chris from the state of Maryland in the United States is this the guy that lives in Sydney Australia was just wondering what your speeds were again if they were getting any better we are hitting three hundred megabytes a second up here where I live and they're talking about going to this 5G bullshit and I think it's going to fry us all I don't think they should go through that what is your opinion about that if you don't mind me asking
  11. Is this the guy that I was speaking to that lives in Sydney Australia?
  12. 300 megabits first second and I paid $40 each month
  13. Dude the same thing happened with me with Comcast about a month or two ago my bill never changed but the speeds went crazy I was getting like 300 megabits per second in my upload is only about 13 to 15 megabits per second so I don't know but I know one thing it's crazy fast
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