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Posts posted by duffles

  1. Hey CA3LE,


    Thanks very much for the quick and comprehensive reply. I hope I haven't caused you too much work!


    Just to confirm, I've re-exported my results again and am seeing (for example) 65-9---bracknell-b3- where '9' is 'Den/Study', '5' is 'Laptop' as you mentioned, and '-' will mark the results of tests I did before I added any identifiers. That's perfect.


    Just one other quick question - I've just updated my package with Virgin Media from 100Mbps to 152Mbps and wanted to do some testing to make sure they're living up to their promises. I was planning to run a Combined test on one machine on a 15 minute schedule for a few days, and then drop it to a couple of times per day over a longer term. Would this be ok with you? I don't want to monopolise your bandwidth.


    Also, I understand you've built all of this yourself? If so, do you accept donations? It wouldn't be a huge amount but I'd like to show thanks.


    All the best,


  2. Hey,


    Newbie here so apologies if this is an obvious question. I have searched for the answer and couldn't find it, but sorry if I missed it.


    I'm trying to export my results. I want to do this so I can use Excel to overlay results from two different identifiers running tests over a similar period of time. (There are also a number of results I generated without an explicit extra identifier to which I would need to manually add an identifier in the export, unless there is some way of retrotagging existing results on the site.)


    The export seems to work, and duffles-testmy.net-stats.csv downloads. However, when I open up the file, I see the following (two lines taken as an example):

    04/19/2015 6:33:54 pm,UP,2496,2.4 MB,3885,3.79,486,0.47,duffles,75396260603,virgin_media,London, GB,mR24SoF
    04/19/2015 6:33:45 pm,DN,76800,75 MB,72213,70.52,9027,8.82,duffles,75396260603,virgin_media,London, GB,XDmpkLeM

    On the site, those two lines have the GB flag and a Laptop symbol next to them, and the HTML reads:

    <span title=" London, GB  =>  Laptop  Bracknell "><img src="http://tmnstatic.com/images/11/location-uk.png" width="16" height="16" alt="London, GB"> <img src="http://tmnstatic.com/images/11/location-laptop.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Laptop"> </span>

    However, for some reason only London, GB made it into the CSV export and not Laptop.


    Without those identifier data, I can't plot the two series overlaid as I'd have no way of telling which result is for which identifier.


    If necessary, I could hack together a quick JQuery script to transform the source of https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&l=500&z=5&q=duffles to CSV, but if there's an easier way or I'm missing something obvious I'd appreciate being nudged in the right direction.




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