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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by Dist

  1. i had dsl but it got cut off....now i just got dial up for the time being...........BUT how can i make my dial up faster?
  2. my connection is so slow.........is there anyway i can boost it so its like 20x as fast?
  3. lol.. thanx man.. i appriciate it .. it feels like its movin faster then it was yesturday when i started this journey
  4. 3.http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:5a2715d?service=cable&speed=300&os=winXP&via=normal 4.upload : Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-WZ3GPJY87 Download : Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-XQNL5YC29 ) running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 283.48Kb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 2.58Mb/s (On the Second link) :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2982 Kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 5983 KB) Download Speed is:: 364 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 14:28:40 GMT-0600 Bottom Line:: 53X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.81 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-LQ3NKT58C that was afterwards
  5. also i messed around wit it n found out what u were talkin about and its already set to recieve that echo stuff
  6. i dont have that windows firewall.. i went to the security link and it says that my firewall is shut off
  7. yea i use a router.. but the firewall i dunno inless it auto wit my windows xp
  8. the 300/3000 is that good?
  9. lol sry heres the link http://www.dslreports.com/speedresults/35a992488644/1652409
  10. well this is what i got.. i think this is what u were wanting Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst 0 0% 60 60 0.44 0.60 1.31 1 ae-1-53.bbr1.NewYork1.Level3.net 0% 60 60 0.58 2.69 76.14 2 as-3-0.bbr1.Washington1.Level3.net 5% 57 60 5.13 6.29 53.60 3 so-6-0-0.edge2.Washington1.Level3.net 0% 60 60 5.78 7.35 69.81 4 ATT-Level3-oc48.Washington1.Level3.net 0% 60 60 6.56 7.11 22.58 5 tbr1-p014001.wswdc.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 7.24 7.97 9.79 6 tbr1-cl4.sl9mo.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 26.28 27.10 30.36 7 tbr2-cl2.sl9mo.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 26.30 26.96 29.91 8 tbr2-cl6.dlstx.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 38.12 38.76 40.61 9 ar14-p3110.dlstx.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 37.57 40.55 197.28 10 0% 60 60 55.56 56.36 64.27 11 ??? 100% 0 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fail: From West Coast - USA to YOU Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst 0 so0-0-0-2488M.ar4.SEA1.gblx.net 2% 59 60 18.49 21.47 148.48 1 att.so1-2-3-622M.ar4.SEA1.gblx.net 0% 60 60 18.21 18.81 19.39 2 tbr2-p012402.st6wa.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 19.16 20.63 30.37 3 tbr2-cl1.cgcil.ip.att.net 2% 59 60 55.69 57.59 61.19 4 tbr2-cl7.sl9mo.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 61.91 64.16 72.83 5 tbr2-cl6.dlstx.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 62.92 64.86 66.77 6 ar14-p3110.dlstx.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 61.97 66.87 131.08 7 0% 60 60 80.03 82.08 88.70 8 ??? 100% 0 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pass:
  11. i know there are prolly more that have asked but this is what i got. i also have 2 other comps that run off the same network but it still shouldnt be this slow i dont think :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 961 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 117 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 00:33:08 GMT-0600 Bottom Line:: 17X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.75 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-M08LOKE9A Bottom Line: You are running: 17 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 8.75 second(s) Diagnosis: Seek Help : You are currently running at only 40.95 % of your hosts average (cableone.net) so if there is ne way plz post here cause i play an online text game and the speed counts
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