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The G.F.P

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Everything posted by The G.F.P

  1. no i dont have a web site and the site i belong to are currently haveing to delete posts and videos as they are always exciding their bandwidth allowance if i get my own site ill try and help you mirror stuff
  2. cheers mate ive got a texas longhorns basebass top (the ones with the buttons on) now thats random sarky means sarchastic arsey means to be an asshole as i was asking stupid (in some peoples wiew) questions my share ratio is 0.216 im permanatly seeding at 10k (limited) but my downloads are massive and 24/7 maybe ill leave my up load to infinate and do no downloading for a few days
  3. just re-read all this and ive a question when im using azureau and no other progs should i shut dow .. my avg virus scanner microsoft antispywear windows firewall (the only firewall i use) is it ok to shut these down when downloading also with axureus does the share ratio make any difference, like will they penalise my d/l speed if my ratio is low? cheers guy and i must say i like your advice as you lot dont get arsey or sarky like peeps on other sites do p.s if you like cars then visit the site im from www.turbo-babes.co.uk (if thats not allowed delete it) the g.f.p
  4. CHEERS ill give that lot a go with my axeurus my ration is 0.220 (BAD) thats not cos i dont share its cos i dl about 120 gig a month!
  5. i use ccleaner every day ive got the latest avg free virus scanner and update every day i defragged about a month ago (did not know this slows speeds) im with ukonline and their 2meg unlimited service i use microsofts anti spywear and recently found 4 alerts due to a dodgy download and deleted them all i do have e-donkey installed but nevr really use anymore would that slow me down? at times ive been dl at 200k but usually at 30 to 70 k which is annoying ill give that thing a go as it seems to speed stuff up after a few days can i ask what it does and how? love the site chaps The G.F.P
  6. i am in england and i read that trying a closer test server might be better so ...... Germany - 1704 kbps / 208 kbs / 69% host average Sweden - 1831 kbps / 224 kbs / 74% host average seems quicker but i use azeureus and thats getting info from the whole world i think
  7. My test results ..... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 961 Kbps about 0.96 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Download Speed is:: 117 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/04/08 - 6:32pm Bottom Line:: 17X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 8.75 sec Tested from a 579 kB file and took 4.937 seconds to complete Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.0.2; BT Openworld BB; SV1) Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 39.34 % of your hosts average (co.uk) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6X8ML1JVZ ive done this a few times and reconnected then tried again and this is the best so far all within a few % of each other im now off to read other posts but feel free to help speed me up cheers The G.F.P
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