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Posts posted by sd70mac

  1. On 12/15/2018 at 8:39 PM, 1madmouse said:

    I do have another question,  how to test our ISP ping,  or the lag we experience when connecting?  Unless i missed something,  I was unable to find that.  Makes me wonder why sometimes they go through 32 routers,  and other times over a 100.?  I'm not a streamer,  nor do I download huge MB of information or files,  so wouldn't think I was being throttled. Just hate feeling helpless and have to take whatever the ISP gives us.  We pay good money,  and they are making a nice junk of change,  we should able to get what we pay for.  Who has the authority to make these companies provide what they promise?

    I’m another long time user, first time poster.  To check ping, you can use the ping command followed by the ip address or URL of the server you wish to ping.  The tracert command on Windows and the traceroute command on *NIX including macOS X and Ubuntu works the same way, you can also look them up gir more information. 

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