Well I called em up. Yeah, no matter what it will always be this slow. Once I get another job I will upgrade the package and pay the difference. Right now im still doing some computer tech jobs. Ya know, side things for people. But im stuck for the time being. But I want to thank you guys for trying to help a brotha out lol. But talk to you all later
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I will prolly call em tomorrow since its sunday. But I will see what their default speeds are "Suppose" to be for this package and see what i can do. To tell you the truth I wouldnt mind paying the extra 20 bucks a month
Actually here in el paso they did introduce thier "DSL" Package. Which apparently im assuming is their "Lite" version. The reason they got it was cause it was 20 bucks cheaper. But it is hard for me cause i d/l so much stuff and play a but load of online games
I just moved back in with my inlaws and I went from my old connection (Road runner cable d/ling @ 535kbps and u/ping @ 49 kbps.) Now i am on Road runners DSL and im d/ling a max of 97kbps and uploading at 15kbps. Im so sad because i have tried cable nut tweaks, messing with router settings ect ect. But to no avail. Can anything be done?! If not imma call road runner and upgrade their package back up to cable and just pay the differencet