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rebranger reacted to ITALIAN_GUY_22 in can you speed up internet speed?
You probably don't have Utorrent setup right, as thus get poor speeds.
Below is a step by step guide to ensure utorrent is set up right.
Utorrent tweaks.
For starters, get rid of the latest Utorrent (that you probably have), it's slow and bloated and a POS in my opinion.
Download 2.2.1, it's the best version in my opinion. (I have tested a lot)
You can get it from here. (see link below)
Once installed, follow these settings.
1/ Open up Utorrent and go to Preferences.
2/ Go to Connections in the list.
3/ In connections check these settings.
Port used for incoming connection 45682
Enable UDnP port mapping
Enable NAT-PMP port mapping
Add Windows Firewall exception.
4/ Go to Bandwidth and pop in these settings.
Maximum upload rate – 1 (best speeds) or 22 (legally best speeds)
Maximum download rate – 0
Apply rate limit to transport overhead – Uncheck
Apply rate limit to uTP connections – Uncheck
Stop transfers on user interation – Uncheck
Global maximum number of conection – 1890
Max number of connected peers per torrent – 2329
Number of upload slots per torrent – 14
Use additional upload slots – Check
5/ Go to BitTorrent and check all these settings:
Check everything except limit local peer bandwidth.
Outgoing: Enabled
Allow incoming legacy connections – Check
6/ go to Queuing and pop in these settings:
Maximum number of active torrents – 60
Maximum number of active downloads – 63
Seeding Goal minimum ratio – 100%
Minimum seeding time – 0
7/ Go to Advanced -> Disk Cache and pop in these settings:
Check everything in this section.
Override automatic cache size – 500
8/ Go to Advanced and pop/change these settings:
bt.allow_same_ip – True
bt.connect_speed – 20
bt.enable_tracker – True
bt.no_connect_to_services – False
bt.send_have_to_seed – False
dht,rate – 2
gui.bypass_search_redirect – True
gui.delete_to_trash – False
ipfilter.enable – False
net.outgoing_port – 50
net.wsaevents – 150
peer.disconnect_inactive_interval – 900
queue.dont_count_slow_dl – False
queue.dont_count_slow_ul – False
rss.update_interval – 20
Click Apply and restart Utorrent.
Good luck with it all and let me know how your speeds are afterwards.
rebranger reacted to jmrubins in [TIPS] This may help with some speed issues.
Problems with HughesNet s-l-o-w-i-n-g down.....I have been a HughesNet customer for over five years and up until November the speed was acceptable. We "upgraded" modems in March of last year to HN7000S but since November we have seen a gradual decline in speed. Complained to HughesNet Service each month and spent hours with them on the phone documenting the degraded service. Most of the problems are identified in the diagnositics as "Uplink Queing". The "Advanced Technical Support" engineers would do their own dianostics and apply a "fix"....but in a day or two the slow speed returns and we revert to dial up or tethering to cell phone on 2G network because it is faster than HugesNet. I applied the suggestions about checking the computer for unknown or undetected viruses or spyware....and then took my portable to a neighor who has HughesNet where I find a significant increase in speed. It isn't a pointing issue as my signal strenght is always above 65. Occasionally we will have "speed bursts" and get back to the old speed we were used to ....which just frustrates us more.....because we KNOW we are able to get better service. Yesterday the uplink speed was actually ZERO on the HughesNet tests for four of five tests.....but the technician called back an hour later to say that his tests "indicate it is within range..." Another neighbor has Wild Blue and another neighbor has Sonic.net. I have tried my portable on both of those systems with much better results. I am ready to bag HughesNet because of the inconsistency of speed.......Is there anything else I should try. I have heard about "field audits" in which you pay a tecnician to come out to the site and actually test the set up to see where the problem may be. Signed: Frustrated in Napa, Calif.
rebranger reacted to peepnklown in [TIPS] This may help with some speed issues.
Not only do you want to get into safe mode (Windows XP option for safe mode with networking should be applied)
If a virus is found system restore points should be deleted.
rebranger reacted to matman in WHY IS HUGHESNET SO HORRIBLE !
I'm not sure 'What' you will win in the end. But it sure ain't a usable fast connection, referring to the last poster's comments. I too have been on the phone with them many
times, to no avail. Every time I see the advertisement come on about guaranteed 25Mbps, it really annoys me.
I have recently found better options to try out, (new company's coming out with internet connections). I just don't know how much of a fight they will put up if I haven't
served the complete 2yr sentence, oops, I mean automatic contract I'm supposed to be on with them. Even though there was no mention of it when I called to get connected.
The way I see it, they are not holding up their end of the contract, then why am I forced to stay with them and unable to use my connection for any of my work?
My speeds are all in the old Dial up range. 3 or 4 days after my cycle begins, I'm told I used all my data. I ask "What, pray tell, is using up my 20 Gigs in the first week
so fast? No one seems to have an answer for that. I mean, I am unable to do but the very basic of things on this connection. It isn't fast enough for me to use up 20 gigs!