ive got a really strange problem here and i dont know whats going on. first of all, i have to say that my internet has absolutely no issues whatsoever and is performing normally when i do things such as download files or surfing the web. but when i play internet games, my ping is so high no matter what.
heres a list of facts about my connection:
-im running on a wireless g wrk54g router, but this pc is connected with a wire
-when idle, my modem and router dont blink at all. but when gaming, the lights go INSANE
-my download speeds are good, but my ping in games is horrible
-i dont run any firewalls (still dont have any viruses or spyware)
-my network is unprotected right now (still terrible pings when i protect it)
-running windows 2000 service pack 4
ive been asking around in other forums and they claimed that the reason why my modem was blinking so much was because of "packet loss" or something. can someone help me here?
thanks in advance