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About rode2006

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. P.S. My cordless telephone base (yes, it's a 2.4Ghz), is located about 15 feet away from my router. Could THAT be a problem? The reaosn it's even in the same room is to have corded connectivity to the Vonage TA. Before I close this reply to my reply, I"ll right now disconnect the cordless base (to turn off the radio waves) and then see if that improves my download speeds. Done - no difference - in fact, it dropped (coincidentally) to 1.1MBPS (it was 1.4 before the wcordless phone unplug). This is still baffling to me. I even loaded a Notebook adapter driver - no difference in wireless download speeds.
  2. Hello Fallow Earth! Interesting article (links), however, 90% of the time (yes, even when the download speeds are languishing) I'm about 12 feet from my router with a clean line of sight (nothing at all in the path, no corners, etc.) 1. Is there a way to check whether I've enabled BOTH the Windows woreless configuration AND the Linksys app (the Gui monitor install)? It would have been a mistake, of course, however, would that be a possibility and, if so, could that slow down the wireless speeds??? 2. If so, does anyone have an opinion relative to whether I'd be better off using the Linksys install of the wireless card - and managing the wireless OR would I be better off letting Windows manage the wireless. 3. (finally) Is there a way to check into and disable, if necessary, the O/S (Windows) managing the wireless? Thanks, Rich
  3. Hi Swimmer: I changed channels - did the whole range (1 - 11). Slight improvement on channel 11 (reached 1.4Mbps). Enabled and disabled SSID (no change). No encryption being used. Ran antivirus - came up clean (on both my laptop and desktop). Used Panda, ZoneAlarm, Norton, and Freedom Internet Security. Also ran Webroot SpySweeper, AdAware, and SPybot S&D - all clean. Right now I"m on my deskotp system - got an upload test of 3.4Mbps wth my cable modem going to the Vonage TA and then to my Linksys router. Laptop "topping out" at 1.3Mbps. As mentioned, I did a clean install of XP Pro on the laptop, I even changed the LInksys Notebook card - brought the prior one (3 days old) back to the store and did an even exchange. I"m baffled.
  4. Presently, my signal strength (10 feet away from the router) using wireless is 95% (according to the Linsys Wireless monitor). It just dropped down to 82%, by the way. Now it's at 77% (no movement of the laptop). Something wrong going on....
  5. Thanks, Shug7272, Mick, and Swimmer! Shug - in response to oyur question: Yes, when I hooked the modem directly to my laptop via ethernet cable I got good speed. When I put the router in between it did slow down substantially. Mick - I took your advice and upgraded the firmware - hardwired from the router. Amazingly, my hardwired speed then boosted up to 3.48M! My wireless, however, remains a dismal 1.1M. I"m using a Linksys Wireless-G card (WPC54G). I've rebooted my laptop, rebooted the router and the Vonage TA and still a dismal 1.1M on the wireless. This is puzzling. Swimmer - I thank you for the information and link - I'd like to reserve the option as a "last resort" - the "you could void your warranty and maybe brick the router worries me a bit (Murphy's Law seems to hang around me a bit too much sometimes). As I mentioned, I just recently completed a clean install of XP Pro on my notebook and I've made no tweaks at all to my wireless connection settings - I just performed a pulug-and-play of the card and it was easily recognized and up and running inside of a few minutes of insertion. So - if my logic is right (and I defer to you all as more expert than I am on matters like this): 1. the problem cannot be with my ISP or cable modem since on a direct connect (wired) of my system to the modem it flies 2. the problem cannot be, at least ALL of the router since after the firmware upgrade my downloads average 3.5 when hardwired (ethernet) - even with the Vonage box hanging off the router (I changed my array to make the router the first piece of gear out of my modem and the Vonage TA is hagning off the router now). 3. It seems like there's a wireless connection configuration problem since my ethernet (wired) connection flies since the firmware upgrade of the rounter. Any additional tips, advice, etc.????? By the way, when I installed the Linksys Notebook adapter I did insert the accompanying CD (because I did need to load the driver from it). I decided to let Windows configure my wireless connection (automatically) versus using the LInksys SW (monitor GUI). COuld THAT have been a mistake? Would I have been better off using the LInksys CD to install the whole wireless???? If so, how does one undo the Windows-generated wireless configuration and replace it with the LInsys SW generated one? Thanks again for the suggestions and I hope for more. Rich
  6. I'm new to this forum. I'm also a new subscriber to cable broadband. Here's my problem/question: My cable ISP tells me I can expect 4MB downloads. They're not even close (I average less than DSL - approx. 1.3M) - sometimes lower. I am running my Vonage Motorola 2442 and then porting from the Vonage TA to my rounter (LInksys WRT54G). and drive from the router a desktop and a Linksys wireless notebook card. I have my Vonage TA direct-connected to my cable modem, by the way, because Vonage suggested it. When I run ethernet directly to my laptop (take out of the loop the TA and the router), I do get download speeds approaching 3.5 and even closer to 4MB. I am not encrypting (WPA). The same pitiful download speeds are on my desktop (with is run off the router). Any suggestions as to what might be causing this would be truly appreciated. THis is drving me crazy. Thanks! Rich
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