is there a way to tweak my speed in Mac OS X...if there is could someone please tell me how...nd also if you're a Mac person me or contact me by email...i think im gonna need major help with this new Mac laptop of mine
is there a way to tweak my speed in Mac OS X...if there is could someone please tell me how...nd also if you're a Mac person me or contact me by email...i think im gonna need major help with this new Mac laptop of mine
yea...i figured...i like ur work...pretty nice keep up the good work
p.s. wherever i go, i have to log onto ur site nd check the speed...i dont kno its addictive in a good way
i suggest you stay with 10mbs...unless you dont use ur bandwidth too much...and plus 10Mbs for 40/month is like a dream, i pay 59.99 for 3000/256 so i would just stick with 40/month 10mbs
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Auth Code: 2083926 (validate a
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dont kno if its tru
yea...i try cycling my modem that didnt help either...i used tweak test...which gave me RWIN value i changed that is still the same started gettin slow when i start servin in think mIRC got something to do with it?
yea...i've used TCPOptimizer, i've used speedguide registry fix, nd some others...i even called my cable service, i thought they werent sendin me right amount signal, but the guy said my modem is recieving good signal...i deleted spywares too, i dont kno what is wrong
::: Download Stats :::
Connection is: 1250 kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)
Download Speed is: 153 Kb/sec
Auth Code: 2018751 (validate a
Bottom Line: 22 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 6.69 second(s)
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dont kno what happen...i even format my computer nd did all the tweakin you can speed is still the same
it used to be around 3-4Mbps
SP-2 is not officialy out yet...but some people have it...i kno ms didnt release SP2 yet they're waitin to realease Longhorn then they're gonna release XP SP2...i dont kno where you heard SP3 is out...lemme kno more sources might be wrong...lemme kno where you get ur info...thenx
Cable Guy where did you get SP-2 from...the one i have didnt wont let me get on the internet...if you kno where i can get the real one...please let me kno...thenx