Thank you Preston ashbrook for your reply. I appreciate your help and I sure wish it were that simple for me. I have my own modem (SB6190) and until recently I had 5G enabled (disabled it w no plans to reenable - do a search: The 5G Network: What You Don't Know May Kill You), but even then I mostly used my laptop which is wired so any test I did didn't involve the wifi connection. I've complained to Spectrum many times but like I said earlier, it's like since I don't know exactly what I don't know, they only go so far. They give no information that I don't already have or at least that I can check on my own without special equipment. They offer to come check my line but as stated earlier, it's like they start with their handheld machine and tell me about signals they are getting which mean all is fine and they have no reason to check anything else. They get on my laptop and for some reason, they get a great speedtest result and I will get on and try and it'll be what it's supposed to be until either right after they leave or usually a few days later.
Since I originally posted my plea for help here on the forum, I downloaded an app from sharewareonsale dot com called TweakMASTER 3.60. I was a bit leary but it scanned fine with Kaspersky and it has undo options and of course system restore should things go awry so I figured why not. I realized it was probably just optimizing TCP/IP and MTU but I figured it knows how to do it better than I (wouldn't know where to begin) so I tried it. Well, I'll be, shortly thereafter I was getting speeds up to 110Mbps. I thought, YEAH I had found a way to fix it or around it BUT then, I kept losing internet and like I said I'm WIRED. It would do it constantly within minutes of me rebooting the modem, router etc so I figured it had to be something the tweaker changed that I don't know how to check and fix so I ended up reverting back to previous config. Needless to say I haven't tried to 'TWEAK' anything since but my speeds have been a bit better anyway. The test I just ran here showed 116Mbps Down & 7.9Mbps Up, Speedtest gave me 83.24Mbps Down & 11.98Mbps Up so even though I still don't know how to fix it, or check it, at this moment speeds are pretty good; at least tolerable and not making me question my choice to upgrade plans.
I'd still like to understand this situation better but I'd probably have to study 'networking' in order to understand it to the point of being able to recognize, evaluate and fix network issues! Anyway, thanks again for reaching out with your help! Be blessed! Amanda