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Earning Trust

Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. I went to the office again to complain and the techs are supposed to come out on Monday. They don't seem to get that my lousy speed test results are with local servers, not international. I will try to do more tests and attach them. Here is the one I did the day I wrote. Thanks.
  2. Hi, everyone. I live in Ecuador and my internet speeds are the pits where I live now. When I have the techs come, they say nothing is wrong, but when they leave, it's much better. They say it's not my router. Their computer is plugged into it it while they do all their typing. So, is it still possible for the router to be bad if they are using it to do whatever they do? There are no other good options in my area. This has been getting worse and worse. I am paying for 5Mbps and lucky if I get over one. I am desperate. Help! Thanks.
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