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Posts posted by DSLXtremo

  1. I beg your pardon.

    The forums were closed due to the internal problems we, as a community, were having. You claim that I killed them. Quite the contrary. I was the one trying to keep it alive, always trying to maintain the highest level of excellence and quality. Those expelled from the forums were the ones responsible for the forum's ultimate demise. If you, and the others, would had simply obeyed the rules and do what you were told, none of this would have ever occurred. Those responsible decided to take matters into their own hands, and alas, I was forced to close down the forums temporarily, reconstructing them for a later date.

    Mark my words: the boards will be back. And even though all of you are allowed to return back, the highest level of respect is expected from all of you.

    I hope we can maintain a civil relationship, even though our past has aflicted us in so many ways.

    Cheers and godspeed.


    dslxtremo  ### at ### prtc.net

  2. Greetings to everyone in this board.

    My name is Luis Alvarez, previous administrator from the now defunct Dmax forums.

    I'm trying to find old members to join our soon to be revamped forum. In particular, I am looking for a person called "Julio Padilla".

    If you have any information, feel free to contact me via a private message.

    Yours trully,

    Luis Alvarez

    dslxtremo  ### at ### prtc.net

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